Katherine Santoso :: Projects and Ideas








Design by Sequence

“Braille for the Next Generation”
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Genetic Art Proposal

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Some of my links on the topic of genetic arts:


Paul Vanouse Relative Velocity Inscription Device
VIDA 5.0. Art and Artifical Art International Competition.

This device is an interactive, multi-media program that enables four family member’s sample DNA to travel through gel at unique rates. When exposed to different environments that are supposed to mimac a natural evolutionary course, we are able to see which DNA was able to “win the race”.

    Daniel Lee
Lee, Daniel. Homepage http://www.daniellee.com/
Daniel’s altered photographs are inspired by the Chinese mythologies that human spirits and fate are somewhat influenced by animal existence. This digital photos blend the metamorphosis from human to animal forms. His work, “Origin” was his representation of how animals evolved into humans, taken from photos to create an animated presentation.
    Stelarc. Home Page http://www.fiu.edu/%7Emizrachs/stelarc.html
Coming off of the idea of genetic enhancements, Starlec created a Cyberhuman project. It is a design approach to a potentially real life scenario where people can add a limb, enhance their body, improve their physical appearances and much more. I wonder if this will ever become part of the clinical trials- if computer technology can mimac real life functions well enough to forsee potential problems and such forth?
    Google search: genetic art towards blind
Genetic Images. Sims, Karl. 1993. http://www.genarts.com/karl/genetic-images.html
I really like the idea of this exhibition because it provides a unique combination of machine and human interaction. It is display of 16 computer generated pictures that are placed in a huge arc in front of the viewers. Here, the viewers are able to select which ones they want to “move on” in the course of evolution by standing on sensors. The ones they don’t find aesthetically pleasing will be removed from the screens and are replaced by the a new picture that is produced from the computer based on two of the surviving pictures. This cycle mimics evolution by survival of the fittest by involving both machine and humans in the process. The interesting parallel here is that the way organisms evolve is by simple tweaking of DNA which codes for certain things over another- the way the computer makes the new generation is by following a computer code that dictates the outcome of the new image. I am truly intrigued by this simulation because it shows- in a fast turnover rate- how drastically things can change due to selection and survival of the fittest. And when we think about how the human species may have come from the smallest of bacteria, it really boggles our mind!
    Google search: interesting genetic art
Dudek, Gregory. Homepage. http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/ga.html
This downloadable program called GA (Genetic Art) uses the process of evolution to gradually improve a drawing that you create yourself. It’s kind of like the Paint tool on my computer, where I can draw anything I want using the tools available. DNA is the basic building block of the drawing and the way you would change it is by hand altering the DNA sequence or by accepting, declining, or introducing random computer-dictated mutations to the sequence. It was originally created to teach young children the fundamentals of DNA and evolution, but is now used by many adults for projects and graphics on websites. When I ventured upon this website, I actually downloaded it, but wasn’t able to do much yet. I’m excited to try this out! It’s honestly so simple because there are buttons that you press that will do the mutations for you and other ones that will improve your DNA sequence. Let’s try it out in class!