Calvin Jan :: Projects

  Department: Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology

Design By Sequence

Title: Twist of Fate
Medium and Dimensions: Wood, Copper and Acrylic.18” x 18” x 36”
Legend: Adenine – Crimson; Thymine – Orange; Cytosine – Yellow; Guanine – Unbleached titanium


Summary: This piece attempts to abstract the way our DNA sequence determine our form. Each codon, or series of 3 nucleotides, is translated into a coordinates in a Cartesian system with dimensions A, T, C, G spanning the x, y and z-axes. The sequence of the DNA strand thus self determines the scaffold around which it will fold. The nucleotides are diffuse colored lights, highlighting the nucleotide sequence as the core of the form. The bottom half explores the impact of minute changes, or mutations in the sequence on the overall form of the DNA strand.

Thanks Erin!


Genetic Art Proposal

Title: "True Color"    
Summary: True Color is a piece that takes a subject as intimate as emotion and brings it to the public forum as a result of genetic manipulation. Inspired by the works of Eduardo Kac and Karl Sims, it examines social dynamics predicated upon a trasngenetic populous that links emotional state to reporter genes. Interactions between transgenic animals will provide insight into nature's reaction to genes introduced by man. Asides from the aesthetic value of a color-mood relationship, the piece also raises concerns regarding the merit of genetic manipulation as art. Could a similar project be done in a more traditional media? Certainly a similar point could be made, but having a real biological system makes the point irrefutable, and also out of the control of the artist. This leads into a discussion of where our culture's ethics place the arts in relationship to science and life. Whether the piece wins public approval or malice, it will serve this function by generating discussion and exposing the art community to the scientific method.