Transgenic Art Bibliography: Source :

Abate, Tom. "Artist Proposes Using Jellyfish Genes to Create Glow-in-the-Dark Dogs", San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1999, p. B1.

Abate, Tom. "News Stories About Tinkering With DNA Miss the Big Picture. Glowing rabbit shows we're creeping toward redesigning human life", San Francisco Chronicle, September 25, 2000, p. D1. See also: Cook, Gareth. "Controversial New Canvas. Artist defends genetically engineered, glow-in-the-dark rabbit", San Francisco Chronicle, September 19, 2000, p. 1, A4. And also: Letters to San Francisco Chronicle. "Glowing Bunny Draws Big Response", San Francisco Chronicle, September 25, 2000, p. D4.

Allmendinger, Ulli. "One small hop for Alba, one large hop for mankind", NY Arts Magazine, Vol. 6, N. 6, June 2001.

Andrews, Lori. Epilogue to the paperback edition of The Clone Age (New York: Henry Holt, 2000).

Andrews, Lori. "Art --Weird Science", Chicago Magazine, August 2000, pp. 22, 24.

Anonymous. "Now you'll never loose bunny in the dark", Sunday Mail, London, September 24, 2000.

Anonymous. "Genetically Engineered Art", Hartford Advocate, CT, August 2000.

Anonymous. "French Scientists Hopping Mad Over GM Rabbit", Reuters wire, October 6, 2000.

Anonymous. "Artist Splices Jellyfish With Rabbit To Make Art",, Winnipeg, Canada, September 3, 2000.

Anonymous. "Energizer Bunny", Fox News website, Sunday, October 1, 2000.

Anonymous. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, Backstage column of the arts section, Wednesday, 4 October, 2000.

Anonymous. "Art imitates science", Boston Globe, 9/24/2000, p. F06.

Anonymous."Rabbit Redux", Times of India, 27 September 2000.

Anonymous. "Artist 'invents' glowing mutant bunny",, 19 September 2000.

Anonymous. "Lapin Fluo", Nova Magazine, Paris, December 1-14, 2000. (French)

Anonymous. "Artista USA crea il coniglio GM fluorescente", Corriere della Sera, 8 ottobre 2000. (Italian)

Anonymous. " Obra de arte transgénico "gfp bunny" ", context weblog, Spain, 30-Nov-2000 ( (Spanish)

Anonymous. "Eduardo Kac's Gfp Bunny Incites Debate About Ethics Of Transgenic Art", Artswire, September 26, 2000.

Anonymous. "Fluoro-Bunny",Beyond 2000, October 25, 2000.

Anonymous. "Bilim dünyas nda "ye il tav an" tart mas",, Turkey, 25.08.2000. (Turkish)

Anonymous. "Lapin transgenique", Le Soir D'Algerie, 4 Jul 2001. (French)

Armaleo, Daniele. "Art and the transgenic bunny", The Chronicle, Duke University, Durham, November 17, 2000.

Badia, Félix. "El Conejo Fluorescente", La Vanguardia, July 22, 2001, Barcelona. (Spanish)

Bailey, Ronald. "Pink Mice and Petri Dishes: Artists contemplate biotechnology", Reason, December 2000.

Baker, Steve. "Haunted by the Animal", Tate Magazine, N. 26, September 2001.

Basbaum, Ricardo. "Entrevista com Eduardo Kac", published online in Agora (Agência de Organismos Artísticos), Rio de Janeiro, Julho 2000. (Portuguese)

Batailler, Virginie. "L'éthique en question autour d'un lapin fluo", La Provence, 20 June 2000, p. 4. (French)

Bec, Louis. "Le lapin fluorescent. Bunny GFP. Interdit de Visite." Email broadcast by Louis Bec, from Avignon, on June 16, 2000.

Beccaria, Gabriele. "Alba, la coniglietta che brilla. Creata in laboratorio con i geni di una medusa", La Stampa, September 21, 2000, Italy. (Italian)

Becker, Carol. "GFP Bunny", Art Journal, Fall 2000, pp. 45-47.

Bensimon, Corinne. "Transgenic Park", Libération, 16 septembre 2000.

Berwick, Carly. "The New New-Media Blitz", ARTnews, April 2001, p. 116.

Bezreh, Tanya. "Milestones: Ars Electronica", Artbyte, Vol. 2, N. 5, January-February 2000, pp. 74-75.

Bonet, Josée. "Alba a posé un lapin à AvignonNumérique", Vaucluse Matin, 20 June 2000, p. 3. (French)

Bosco, R. and S. Caldana, "Los artistas exploran la revolución genética a partir de la Biblia", El Pais (ciberp@ís), Madrid, Octubre 5, 2000, p. 20. (Spanish)

Bosco, R. and S. Caldana, "Tribes Gallery Exposes the Panorama of at the Dawn of the New Millenium" and "Tribe Gallery expone la panorámica del al alba del nuevo milenio", El Pais, Madrid, January 11, 2001. (Spanish)

Bosco, Roberta and Stefano Caldana. "Un Mundo Verde Fluorescente", Ciberp@is Mensual (nº 15 - Octubre 2001).

Braga, Paulo. "Artista brasileiro cria obra de arte transgênica", Valor, September 25, 2000. (Portuguese)

Buratto, Luciano G. "Eduardo Kac afirma que acordo sobre animal foi rompido", Folha de São Paulo, October 7, 2000, p. A18. (Portuguese). See also: Galus, Christiane. "Artista plástico e cientistas disputam posse de coelha transgênica", Folha de São Paulo, October 7, 2000, p. A18.

Byrne, John. "Life Science: Ars Electronica 99", Third Text, N. 49, Winter 1999, pp. 93-97.

Calisi, Daniela. "Opere e idee di Eduardo Kac: Il suo coniglio verde suscita polemiche in tutto il mondo. Ma chi e' e cosa faceva prima Eduardo Kac?", Golem, RAI, Torino, Italy,12 April 2001. (italian)

Capucci , Pier Luigi. Alba, arte transgenica, arte del vivente, Noema - Tecnologie e Società, Italy, June 2000. (Italian)

Capucci, Pier Luigi, "Le forme del vivente", D'ARS (Numero 163/164 - Dicembre 2000 ), pp. 19-21, Milan. (Italian)

Causey, Matthew. "Genesis", Theatre Research International, Cambridge University Press, 2001. (Forthcoming)

Chartier, Philippe. "Chiens verts et autres chefs-d'oeuvre. Un animal transgénique peut-il être considéré comme une oeuvre d'art ?", Quebéc Science, Vol. 38, N. 1, Septembre 1999, p. 35. (French)

Chayette, Sylvie. "Quoi de neuf, Docteur? Un lapin transgénique interdit d'exposition à Avignon." Le Monde Interactif, 30 juin 2000. (French)

Ciauri, Alessandra. "Alba, il coniglio transgenico fluorescente creato con i geni di una medusa", Notiziario del Corso di Perfezionamento in Bioetica Clinica, Anno III - N. 1, Gennaio 2001, Università degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza. (italian)

Cipriani, Elena. "L'alba dei cuccioli transgenici", News2000, Italy ( (Italian)

Clark, Jessica. "Glow-in-the-Dark Bunny Sheds Light on Genetic Research", Britannica Wire, Encyclopedia Britannica, Sept. 27, 2000.

Cook, Gareth. "Cross hare: hop and glow", Boston Globe, 9/17/2000, p. A01. This article was reprinted in many periodicals, often with different titles. Reprints include: "Critics: Rabbit glowing for art is hare-brained science", St Petersburg Times, September 21, 2000, pg 13A; " Brave New Bunny", Fortworth Star-Telegram, September 19, 2000, pg 1A.

Copeland, Libby. "It's Not Easy Being Green", Washington Post, October 18, 2000, p. C01

Costa, Flavia. "Arte transgénico, un dilema: El arte después de la muerte del arte", posted to the Newsgroups soc.culture.peru, soc.culture.argentina, soc.culture.brazil, soc.culture.uruguay, 22 Jan 2001.

Daigneault, Ginette. "At the crossroads of artistic and communicative practices: Art taking place", Espace, Spring 2001, Montreal, pp.10-13. (French and English)

Danelli, Diana. "Arte, Elettronica, Genetica.", Aesthetic Pages, Francesco Piselli (ed.), uploaded on 14 January 2000. Hosted by Polo didattico e di ricerca dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano - Sede di Crema:

Delaney, Ben. "Art Is Where You Grow It", IEEE Multimedia, January-March 2001, pp. 4-7.

Delson, Susan. "If Picasso were a Programmer", Forbes - Best of the Web, June 25, 2001, pp. 44-47.

Dickey, Chris. "I Love My Glow Bunny", Wired, 9.04 - April 2001, pp.88-100.

Dierks, Carrie. "Glowing Bunny Sparks International Controversy", Biology News, 12 October 2000.

Diez, René. "Une décision scientifique pose un lapin à Avignon", Midi Libre, 20 June 2000, p. 8. (French)

Dinkla, Söke. "Eduardo Kac", in Under the Skin, exhibition catalogue (Ostfilden-Ruit, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2001), p. 60-61. (German and English)

Dobbsariail, Kate. "Contextualize This", The Independent, Durham, North Carolina, November 15, 2000.

Dooley, John. "Rabbit Jelly", The Portland Mercury, Vol 1 No. 23, Nov 2 - Nov 8 2000

Doria, Pedro. "Arte, ciência ou aberração?",, September 21, 2000. (Portuguese)

D'Orsi, Sabrina . "A proposito del coniglio fosforescente - Arte o non arte?", Golem, RAI, Torino, Italy,11 April 2001. (Italian)

Dr. Tomorrow, "New Palette Paint: DNA", Digital Diary, 10 Sept 2000.

Fillion, Odile. "Entretien avec Eduardo Kac", Le Monde Interactif, 15 décembre 2000. (French)

Føhns, Henrik. "Drømmer kunstnere om grønne hunde? Eduardo Kac laver genkunst af bibelske sætninger", HardDisken, 10.9.99, (Dannish)

Fuchs, Dale. "Luces y sombras de la clonación", El Mundo, Domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2000, Madrid, Spain. (Spanish)

Gábor, Kiss. "Nyuszi ül a fûben, világítva", Index, 2000. szeptember 20. (Hungarian)

Galus, Christiane. "Les animaux fluorescents fascinent chercheurs, artistes et militaires", Le Monde, October 5, 2000, pp. 1, 29. (French)

Galus, Christiane. "Artista plástico e cientistas disputam posse de coelha transgênica", Folha de São Paulo, October 7, 2000, p. A18. (Portuguese) See also: Buratto, Luciano G. "Eduardo Kac afirma que acordo sobre animal foi rompido", Folha de São Paulo, October 7, 2000, p. A18. (Portuguese)

Garreau, Joel . "Science's Mything Links. As the Boundaries of Reality Expand, Our Thinking Seems to Be Going Over the Edge", Washington Post, Monday, July 23, 2001; Page C01.

Georges, Pierre. "La vie en fluo", Le Monde, October 5, 2000, p. 40. (French)

Gerritsen, Vivienne Baillie. "Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who is the greenest of us all?", Protein Spotlight, Issue 11; June 2001, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Genève.

Gessert, George. "A History of Art Involving DNA", in Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schopf (eds.) , Ars Electronica 99 - Life Science (Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999), p. 234. (German and English).

Gessert, George. "Letter to GeneWatch", September 27, 2000. (unpublished)

Gessert, George. "Art is Nature", Art Papers, March/April 2001, pp. 16-19.

Gessert, George. "A Proponent's View of Genetic Art", GeneWatch, Vol. 14, N. 3, May 2001, p. 10.

Gilardi, Piero. "Arte del DNA", Flash Art, N. 218, Milan, 1999. (Italian)

Giles, Susan. "GFP Bunny", Flash Art, November-December 2000, p. 49.

Girst, Thomas. "Denkmal der Labormaus", Die Tageszeitung, Berlin, 2000/10/23.

Gómez, Tania. "Ascott dará una conferencia en el Tec de Monterrey campus Estado de México", Reforma, Mexico, 20 Sep 2000. (Spanish)

Gómez, Tania. "Abordará Roy Ascott lo tangible de lo virtual", Reforma, Mexico, 21 Sep 2000. (Spanish)

Grice, Gordon. "Paging Dr. Moreau", Artbyte, Jan-Feb 2001, pp. 56-61.

Grau, Oliver. " 'Lebendige Bilder' schaffen: Virtuelle Realität, Artificial Life und Transgenic Art", in Baumunk, B.-M. and Joerges, J. (eds). Dschungel. Sammeln, Ordnen, Bewahren: von der Vielfalt des Lebens zur Kultur der Natur (Berlin: Henschel, Berliner Festspiele, 2000), pp. 47-53. (German)

Griffin, Tim. "Blinded with science. Exit Art unravels DNA's double helix", Time Out - New York, No. 261 September 21-28, 2000.

Hammouda, Hakim Ben. "Science, nouvelles technologies et création artistique", Realites, hebdomadaire Independant, N° 782, Semaine du 21 au 27/12/2000, Tunis. (French)

Hatcher, Thurston. "Artists join the genetic revolution in New York exhibit", CNN.COM (, September 7, 2000.

Herper, Matthew. "How Much Is The Glowing Monkey In The Window?",, 02.02.01.

Hess, Ewa. "Der Menschenpark nimmt Gestalt an", Kultur section, SonntagsZeitung, Zurich, September 19, 1999, pp. 59, 61. (German)

Hillaire, Norbert. "AvignonNumérique: les mutalogues de l'an 2000", Artpress 258, June 2000, pp. 55-56. (French and English)

Hodgson, John. "A green light for debate", Nature Biotechnology, volume 17 Number 10, October 1999, p. 933.

Hodgson, John. "GFP: Kacs and dogs", Nature Biotechnology, volume 17 Number 10, October 1999, p. 940.

Hunt, David. "Eduardo Kac: Metaphor into Motif", published in the gallery brochure of the Genesis exhibition realized at Julia Friedman Gallery, Chicago, May 4 -- June 2, 2001.

Jana, Reena. "Dystopia and Identity in the Age of Global Communications", Time Out New York, No. 275 December 28-January 4, 2001.

Kac, Eduardo. "Genesis", in Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schopf (eds.) , Ars Electronica 99 - Life Science (Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999), pp. 310-312. (German and English).

___________. "Genesis", in Genesis, exhibition catalogue, O. K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria, pp. 50-55. (German and English)

Kac, Eduardo. "Transgenic Art", Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol. 6, N. 11, December 1998.

___________. "Transgene Kunst", in Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schopf (eds.) , Ars Electronica 99 - Life Science (Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999), pp. 289- 296. (German and English)

___________. "Transgenic Art", Parol - Quaderni d'arte e di epistemologia, ottobre/novembre 1999, Università di Bologna, Italy ( - ISBN: 88-7232-314-2 (English)

___________. "El Arte Transgénico", in Futuros Emergentes: Arte, Interactividad y Nuevos Medios, Angela Molina and Kepa Landa, eds. (Valencia, Spain: Institució Alfons el Magnànim-Diputación de Valencia. Centre Cultural la Beneficencia, 2000, pp. 59-66. (Spanish and English)

___________. "GFP Bunny", in Dobrila, Peter T. and Kostic, Aleksandra (eds.). Eduardo Kac: Telepresence, Biotelematics, and Transgenic Art (Maribor, Slovenia: Kibla, 2000).

___________. "Genesis - A Transgenic Artwork", in: Ascott, Roy. (ed.) Consciousness Reframed 3: art and consciousness in the post-biological era (conference proceedings), University of Wales, Newport, August 2000, n.p.n.

___________. "Genesis", Cahiers du CIRCAV, N. 12, 2000. (French)

___________. "Genesis, una obra de arte transgenica", Mediapolis, Buenos Aires, 2000 (Spanish).

___________. "El Arte Transgénico", esta nueva traducción publicada en Zehar N. 45, Verano 2001, pp. 26-29, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y Navarra. The text is also reproduced in the magazine in the Vasco language on pages 22-25. (Spanish and Vasco)

___________. "Lapin PVF", Revue d'Esthétique, N. 39, 2001, Paris, pp. 67-68. (French)

___________. "Bio Art: Proteins, Transgenics, and Biobots" / "Biokunst: Proteine, Transgenik und Bioboter", in TAKEOVER - Who's doing the art of tomorrow?/Wer macht die Kunst von morgen?, Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schopf, eds. (Vienna: Springer Verlag, 2001), pp. 118-124 (English) and pp. 125-131 (German).

Karow, Julia. "Paradise Now?", Scientific American, October 2, 2000 (online).

Karow, Julia. "Paradies oder Albtraum. Eine Galerie in Manhattan zeigt die genetische Revolution im Spiegel der Kunst", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 04.10.2000, Bayern Seite V2/16. (German)

Kasprzak, Michelle. "GFP Bunny", Digibodies Online website, May 2000.

Kettmann, Steve. "Art as Human Sashimi", Wired News, 11.Sep.99 (

Kevles, Bettyann Holtzmann & Marilyn Nissenson. "An Interview with Eduardo Kac", Picturing DNA, (, November 2000. Forthcoming in the book Picturing DNA.

Kramar, Thomas. "Grüne Hunde, Hexenmythen, Streit der Systeme", Die Presse, Wien, Austria, 8 September 1999. (German)

Krogh, Soren. "The Technocultural Crucible", Culture Net Denmark, 2000-08-29. (English and Danish.)

Larsen, Erling Tind. "Selvlysende kanin med eget website. Kaninen Alba er blevet genmanipuleret, så hun lyser i mørke. Du kan møde Alba på hendes eget website", Ekstra Bladet, Coppenhagen, September 26, 2000. (Danish)

Lass, Herbert. "Fluorescent Fido", GeneWatch, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 11.

Lehrman, Sally. "Artist to teach dogs new trick -- sit, roll over, turn green and glow", Biotechnology Newswatch, 12/20/1999, pp. 1, 3.

Letters to San Francisco Chronicle. "Glowing Bunny Draws Big Response", San Francisco Chronicle, September 25, 2000, p. D4. See also: Cook, Gareth. "Controversial New Canvas. Artist defends genetically engineered, glow-in-the-dark rabbit", San Francisco Chronicle, September 19, 2000, p. 1, A4. And also: Abate, Tom. "News Stories About Tinkering With DNA Miss the Big Picture. Glowing rabbit shows we're creeping toward redesigning human life", San Francisco Chronicle, September 25, 2000, p. D1.

Levine, J.S. "Why Everyone Needs A Glowing Bunny", The Core, 10/06/2000.

Levingston, Steven. "How About Glow-in-the-Dark Birthday Cake?", International Herald Tribune, Thursday, January 18, 2001.

Levison, Ann. "Merry-Go-Round", The Harvard Post, Dec 21, 2000.

Libedinsky, Juana. "La búsqueda de un gen artístico", La Nación, Buenos Aires, July 26, 2000, p. 11. Republished in El Universal, Mexico City, July 30, 2000. (Spanish)

Libedinsky, Juana. "El arte revolucionará la tecnología", La Nación, Buenos Aires, July 26, 2000, p. 11. Republished in El Universal, Mexico City, July 30, 2000. (Spanish)

Lin, Jia Jun. "The use of genetics in art!?", Taipei Times, September 24, 2000. (Chinese)

Lynch, Lisa. "Trans-Genesis: An Interview with Eduardo Kac", New Formations, London, Fall 2001 (forthcoming).

Mabuse, H. D. "((((((( GFP BUNNY )))))))", post to Nettime list, 21 Sep 2000 (Portuguese).

Machado, Arlindo. "Por uma Arte Transgênica"(Portuguese). "Por un Arte Transgenico". In: De la Pantalla al Arte Transgenico. Jorge la Ferla, org. Buenos Aires, Libros de Rojas, 2000, pp. 253-260 (Spanish).

Malone, Sheila A. "The Man Behind The Bunny: An informal interview with Eduardo Kac", Switch, Spring/Summer 2001.

Manier, Jeremy. "Art Takes a Genetic Engineering Leap", Chicago Tribune, September 19, 2000, Section 2, p. 3.

Manier, Jeremy. "Making the bunny glow", Chicago Tribune, Perspective section, September 24, 2000, pp. 1, 4.

Marcel, Joyce. "A White Rabbit that Glows in the Dark", The American Reporter, Vol. 6, No. 1430 - - September 29, 2000.

McEnery, Paul. "The truth about Kac and dogs", San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 23, 2001.

McGovern, Celeste. "It's all happening at the Frankenzoo", Report, Canada, November 20, 2000.

Menconi, Darlene. "A Arte na Era da Biotecnologia", Isto É, N. 1563 (15 September 1999 - Brazil), p. 66-69. (Portuguese)

Menegoi, Simone. "Art and Genetics", Activa, N. 8, December 2000, Milan, pp. 104-111. (English and Italian)

Mudede, Charles. "The End of Art", The Stranger, Volume 9, Number 15, Dec. 30, 1999 - Jan. 05, 2000.

Müller-Jung, Joachim. "Hasengrün - Die Gentechnik und ihre Symbole", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 13, 2001. (German)

Müller, María Sara. "Una nueva etapa del arte ha surgido", El Tercer Tiempo, N. 132, Buenos Aires, June 2001. (Spanish)

Nelson, Jennifer. "Bunnies that glow", All About Eve, Saturday 14 April, 2001, London.

Newitz, Annalee. "Biopunk", San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 8, 2001.

Newman, Marisa. "Flourescent Pleasures", Rhizome, 9.6.99 (

Nicolaisen, Terje. "Konstruert liv som kunst", Morgenbladet, May 19, 2000, Oslo, p. 11. (Norwegian)

Nicoletti , Gianluca and Andrea Borgnino. "L'Alba del Golem", Golem, RAI, Torino, Italy,11 April 2001. (Italian)

O'Brien, Paul. "Ars Electronica 99", CIRCA, Art and Technology Supplement, Winter 1999, pp. S05-S07.

Onion, Amanda. "Glowing Controversy",, Sept. 19, 2000.

Onion, Amanda. "Man-Made Monkey",, January 11, 2001.

Ørnstrup, Karen Margrethe, "Protester mod selvlysende kanin", Ingenioren|Net, Koppenhagen, 19/09/2000 (Danish)

Otto, Steve. "Is it art or is it a mad hare?", Tampa Tribune, Florida, 09/25/2000.

Paes, Rui Eduardo. "1999 -- O Ano do Apocalipse", Vida Mundial, Lisbon, N. 22, Novembro 1999, p. 71. (Portuguese)

Palumbo, Marialuísa. "Eduardo Kac. Questioning the objectivity of space", ARCH'IT rivista digitale di architettura, June 11, 2001. (Italian and English)

Paracchini, Fabio. "Arte e genoma", Erewhon, uploaded September 1, 2000. (Italian)

Perra, Daniele. "Eduardo Kac: Interview", Tema Celeste, N. 81 July-September 2000, Milan, pp. 76-81.

Piquard, Alexandre. "Faites place aux artistes in vitro", Transfert, N.9, Vol. 1, Novembre 2000. See also the interview with Eduardo Kac published online: "Mon oeuvre est donc une bonne occasion de dialoguer"(French)

Plazowska, Anna. Ars Electronica 2001", Fluid,Warsaw, 2001. (Polish)

Puhr, Manfred. "Gen-Kunst: Leuchtendes Kaninchen", Der Standard, Vienna, 22.09.00. (German)

Punt, Michael. "Post-digital Analogue", Skrien, monthly journal of film and screen culture, N. 240, February 2000. (Dutch)

Quinn, Jim. "Idea doesn't light up columnist", Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio, October 7, 2000.

Rubinowitz, Susan. "Glowing Rabbit Sparks Controversy",, September 23, 2000.

Ratel, Hervé. "L'Art Transgénique", Sciences et Avenir, Décembre 1999, pp. 66-67. (French)

Reed, Shona. "GFP Bunny", in Genolog, a project of the new media art journal SWITCH, Vol. 6, N. 1, 2000. Uploaded on June 08, 2000.

Reed, Shona. "Interview with Eduardo Kac", conducted online with questions posted to the Genolog website, July-September 2000 (

Reichle, Ingeborg. "Kunst und Biomasse: Zur Verschränkung von Biotechnologie und Medienkunst in den 90er Jahren", Kritische Berichtee , Heft 1, Jahrgang 29, 1/2001, pp. 23-33. (German)

Reichle, Ingeborg. Kunst im Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit des Menschen Zur Rezeption der Gentechnik in der zeitgenössischen., 2001-10-22, <>. (German)

Rivera, Daniel. "La belleza y la rescritura de un nuevo mundo: Arte transgénico", La Jornada, Mexico, 5 de febrero del 2001.

Robson, John. "How green was my bunny?," The Ottawa Citizen, Canada, 27 October 2000.

Roman, Valeria. "Un animal transgenico creado por un artista", Clarín, Buenos Aires, Martes 10 de octubre de 2000. (Spanish)

Rueter, Anne. "Genetics in Art: A Glowing Controversy?", Ann Arbor News, Michigan, February 15, 2001, D1, D2.

Savel, Sasa. "Flouescentna Zajklja Alba : intervju z Eduardom Kacem", Maska, Letnik IX (XVI), St. 3-4 (68-69), Pomlad 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 26-29. (Slovene)

Savochkin, Dmitry. "Interview with Eduardo Kac", NASH (OUR), N. 5, 2001, n.p.n. Russian and Ukrainian language magazine of contemporary culture, available all over the former Soviet Union.

Schwartz, Ineke. "Klonen van DNA als kunst", NRC Handelsblad, September 11, 1999. (Dutch)

Leuchtende Kreatur -- Eduardo Kac Der Professor aus Brasilien provoziert mit einem fluoreszierenden Hasen. Er hält den Gentechnikern den Spiegel vor", von Gaby Schweizer, Facts; 2001-06-28; Seite 108; Nummer 26, pp. 108-109, Switzerland. (German)

Schjeldahl, Peter. "DNART," The New Yorker, October 2, 2000, pp. 144 - 145.

Schmundt, Hilmar. "Das Kunst-Gen", Der Spiegel, N. 26, 26 June 2000, p. 114. (German)

Schnee, Kris. "But Is It Art?", The Tech, MIT Newspaper, Volume 120, Number 46, September 29, 2000.

Schueller, Gretel. "But is it Art? Interview with Eduardo Kac", New Scientist, 06 January 2001.

Schueller, Gretel H., "Leuchtendes Beispiel", Die Woche, Hamburg, Vol. 5, N. 1, January 26, 2001. (German)

Shaviro, Steven. "Atomic Dogs", Artbyte, March-April 2000, pp. 22-23.

Shaviro, Steven. "Crossing the Line", Indie Planet, June 2000.

Shaviro, Steven . "Mon chien vert est doux comme un Aibo", Courrier International, numero 544, Paris, 05/04/2001. (French)

Shepherd, Chuck. "Great art!", News of the Weird, 11.26.00. News of the Weird is a USA syndicated newspaper column.

Slawson, Kim. "Eduardo Kac's GFP Bunny, a Work of Transgenic Art, or, It's Not Easy Being Green",, Nov 19 2000.

Smith, Janet. "Aglow Over Genetic Art", Georgia Straight, June 1-8, 2000, Vancouver, p. 51.

Soh, Natalie. "Reinventing the Ark", Straits Times, March 2, 2001, Singapore.

Somajni, Chiara. "L'Arte Digitale", in Gillo Dorfles and Angela Vettese (eds.), Arti Visive (Bergamo, Italy: Atlas, 2001), pp. 158-159. (Italian)

Stern, Andrew. "Artist seeks to free his glowing creation - rabbit", Reuters wire and online, September 23, 2000.

Stocker, Gerfried. "Uprising", in Genesis (catalogue), O. K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria, 1999, pp. 41-43. (exhibition catalogue). (German and English)

Stockinger, Andreas. "Von der Medienkunst zur Bio-Revolution", Der Standard, Tulln, Austria, 2 September 1999. (German)

Stokkan, Morten. "Lagde selvlysende kanin", Dagbladet, January 8, 2001, Oslo, p. 15. (Norwegian)

Strickland, Carol. "More science than self-expression. NYC exhibit explores genetics through art", Christian Science Monitor, October 13, 2000.

Stuart, Laura. "Oak Park's Mr. Green Genes: Artist Eduardo Kac discusses his artistic vision and his glowing bunny", Wednesday Journal, 11 October 2000, pp. 49, 52-53. 

Stuart, Laura. "Modified monkey, captive bunny". Wednesday Journal, 31 January 2001, p. 34.

Svendsen, Lars. Kunst - En begrepsavvikling [Art - A Conceptual Unwinding] (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2000), pp. 122-123. (Norwegian)

Taiuti, Lorenzo. "Tecnologie Genetiche", Lorenzo Taiuti, in Corpi Sognanti. L'arte nell'epoca delle tecnologie digitali (Rome: Edizioni Feltrinelli- Collana Interzone, 2001), pp. 66-68. (Italian)

Tanumihardja, Patricia. "Digital Age", The Arts Magazine - Singapore's premier guide to the arts, July-August 2001, pp. 24-26.

Thomas, Mary. "A playful, poetic and pioneering installation", Pittsburg Post-Gazette (front page and Magazine), January 19, 2001, pp. 22-23, 36-38.

Thompson, Nato. (ed). "Behold, Alba; Genetically modified glow Bunny sparks a debate between its creator, SAIC professor Eduardo Kac, and students", F Newsmagazine, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, November 2000, pp. 13-15.

Tomasula, Steve. "(Gene)sis", in Dobrila, Peter T. and Kostic, Aleksandra (eds.). Eduardo Kac: Telepresence, Biotelematics, and Transgenic Art (Maribor: Kibla, 2000), pp. 85-96.

Travis, John. "Genes on display: DNA becomes part of the artist's palette", Science News, vol. 158, no. 25, Dec 16, 2000, p. 392-394.

Treier, Heie."Geneetiline kunst – hiilgav küülik", Mega, Tallinn, Estonia (, 11.01.2001. (Estonian)

Trussell, Denys. "Unmoving Pictures", The Ecologist, March 2001, Vol. 31, N. 2.

Vicente, José Luis de. "Eduardo Kac, Artista Electronico. El creador de seres imposibles", El Mundo, Madrid, Lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2001. (Spanish)

Volk, Greg. "Rabbyfish? Jellit? Art?", NC State Technician, Raleigh, November 20, 2000.

Young, Emma. "Mutant bunny", New Scientist, 22 September 2000.

Youngs, Amy. "The fine art of creating life", Leonardo, Vol. 33, N. 5, 2000, pp. 377-380.

Zolotov, Eugene. "GFP Bunnny", Computerra, N. 15, Vol. 392, 13.04.2001. (Russian).

Selected Radio and Television Coverage

TV: Cyberarts, Prix Ars Electronica. Reporter: Regina Patsch (Linz). Broadcast in Austria by ORF, September 1999. (Austria)

TV: ARTE. Reporter: Jens Hauser. Broadcast in France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on October 9, 1999.

TV: LA 7. Reporter: Ivo Mej. Program: Altro Mondo. Brodcast in Italy in September 1999.

TV: News. Reporter: Arash Tajmir (Vienna). Broadcast in Austria by ORF, September 1999. (Austria)

TV: Cyberbang. Reporter Paolo Calcagno (Milan). Broadcast in Italy, September 1999. (Italy)

Radio: HardDrive. Reporter: Henrik Føhns. Broadcast in Danmark, September 1999. (Danmark and online)

Radio: QRock, Los Angeles, 1999.

Radio: Jon Melichar Show, Los Angeles, online at: (August 13, 2000).

TV: ABC News - World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, Bill Blakemore Reports, September 18, 2000. This broadcast was retransmitted in many countries on September 19, 2000, including Japan (Channel 8, Fuji TV) and Brazil (GloboNews, cable).

Radio: Radio France. Reporter: Philippe Reltien. September 19, 2000. (France)

TV: Chicago Tonight with Phil Ponce, "The fluorescent bunny: The latest on biotechnology---from transgenic art to Bt corn", September 20, 2000 (Channel 11, Chicago).

Radio: Dave's Rave by Dave McBride, in Steve Dahl Show, September 19, 2000 (WCKG 105.9, Chicago).

Radio: NPR. Program: Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. Limerick: A glowing example of genetics. Host: Peter Sagal. September 23, 2000. (USA and online)

TV: ARD-Kulturreport. Reporter: Edith Bessling. September 24, 2000. (Germany)

TV: Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, ABC, September 25, 2000. (USA)

Radio: BBC World Service. Program: Outlook. Reporter: Fred Dove. October 10, 2000. (Global and online)

Radio: ABC Radio National, Australia. Program: Arts Today. Reporter: Michael Cathcart. October 11, 2000. (Australia)

Radio: BBC 5 Live. Program: Global. Reporter: Benedicte Paviot. October 14, 2000. (United Kingdom and online)

Radio: WNYC, 93.9 FM, New York. Program: Studio 360. GFP Bunny Host: Kurt Andersen. Reporter: Donna Gallers. December 9, 2000 (East and West coasts) <>.

TV: Paris Première. Program: Rive Droite, Rive Gauche. Host: Thierry Ardisson. Reporter: Dorothée Woillez. Broadcast twice on December 11, 2000. Rebroadcast twice on December 12, 2000.

TV: Canal+ (Paris). Program: NPA Midi. Title: "La Lapine Fluo". Reporter: Julie Rambal. 12 December 2000.

Radio: Radio France Internationale (Redação Brasil). Program: Tendencias. Reporter: Pamela Valente. Broadcast on December 25, 2000.

Radio: Radio France Internationale. Reporter: Escarlata Germana Sánchez García. January 2001.

TV: Metro Arts, Channel 13 in New York. Paradise Now video created by Kathy Brew and Roberto Guerra, January 8, 2001.

TV: National Geographic Channel (cable). Program: National Geographic Today. "Paradise Now". Producer: Max Block. Broadcast on January 18, 2001.

Radio: Radio National (Australia). Program: Arts Today, with Michael Cathcart , "Inter-species art special". Producer: Bruce James. , 6/04/01

Radio: Rai (Italy). Program: Golem. Reporters: Gianluca Nicoletti and Andrea Borgnino. Broadcast on April 11, 2001.

TV: Rai, Channel 3 (Italy). Program: MediaMente. Reporter: Cristina Cilli. Broadcast on April 12, 2001.

TV: PBS (Chicago). Program: Artbeat Chicago. Title: "Eduardo Kac: Artist/Geneticist". Hosted by Fawn Ring. Reporter: Genevieve Gandal. Broadcast on May 24, May 25 , and May 27, 2001.

Radio: Bayerischer Rundfunk. Program: Biotechnology Goes Pop. Reporters: Maximiliane Saalfrank and Michael Bartle. Broadcast in Munich on July 21, 2001.

TV: A&E. Program: Investigative Reports - Perfecting Baby, Controlling DNA. Reporter: Bill Kurtis. Producer: Julianne Hill. Broadcast on August 13, 2001.

TV: LA 7. Reporter: Ivo Mej. Program: Altro Mondo. Brodcast in Italy in November 2001.

TV: NHK. Program: Japan This Week. Reporter: Catherine Kobayashi. Producer: Masahiko Hattori. Broadcast in Japan and 150 countries via satellite on September 15, 2001.

TV: ORF-BR ALFA (ORF-ARD-ZDF). Program: Ars Electronica 2001. Reporter: Bernhard Hain. Broadcast on September 21, 2001 in Germany, Austria, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Israel.

TV: NHK. Program: Yokohama 2001: International Triennial of Contemporary Art. Director: Mr. Wataru Takahashi. USA Producer: Steven Mudrick of MADO Productions, New York. Broadcast in Japan on September 26, 2001, on NHK's Broadcast Satelitte HDTV channel. There was another broadcast on October 9, 2001, on NHK's regular Broadcast Satelitte TV.

TV: PBS (Chicago). Program: Artbeat Chicago. Title: "The Eighth Day". Producer: Dan Andries. Reporter: Genevieve Gandal. Host: Fawn Ring. Broadcast on Thursday, September 27 at 7:30 and 11:30 pm; Friday, September 28 at 2:00 and 5:00 am; Sunday, September 30 at 11:00 pm, 2001.

TV: Arte. "The Eight Day". Producer/Reporter: Jens Houser. Broadcast in France, Germany, and Austria on November 2, 2001.

TV: ZDF. Program: Aspekte. "The Eight Day". Producer/Reporter: Jens Houser. Broadcast in Germany on November 9, 2001. See <>.

Radio: VRT (Belgian National Radio-TV). Interview with Eduardo Kac. Reporter: Xavier Ess. Broadcast on November 16, 2001.

TV: Channel 4. Program: Cloning and Transgenics. Reporter: Stephen Cooter. Producer: TVF, London. No broadcast date yet.

TV: PBS. Program: Science and its Appeals: At the Intersection of New Technologies and the Courts. Producer: Noel Schwerin. No broadcast date yet.

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