Genetics and Culture: Practitioners, Bibliographies and Links






Ackroyd, Heather
(Harvey, Dan)
Imprinting images into living skins of grass and the exploration of the light sensitivity of grass and its ability to record complex photographic images.
American Association of Artificial Intelligence:
Anker, Suzanne Art inspired by genetics
Art & Science Collaborations,Inc

The purpose of Art & Science Collaborations,Inc. (ASCI) is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaborations between these fields.

Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica is the world's largest festival of electronic arts. Founded in 1987, the week-long performance and exhibition fest is held annually, at the beginning of September, in Linz, Austria.

(Anthony Aziz
Sammy Cucher )
Digital photography projects and sculpture exploring the ways in which the manipulation of nature through genetics makes metaphor unnecessary and aesthetization of biology.
Art & Science Collaborations,Inc.

The purpose of Art & Science Collaborations,Inc. (ASCI) is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaborations between these fields.




Bec, Louis

2D & 3D models of imaginary organisms whose chemistry is based on sulphur and not carbon. Suggestive of invertebrate marine life, very detailed designs, not a surrealist

Buey, Joseph

Seven Thousand Oaks, 1982, for seventh Documenta - created an urban forest in Kassel Germany - habitat for wildlife

Ballengée, Brandon



Clarke, Kevin

Works with geneticists

Crockett, Bryan



Davis, Joe

Genesthetics: Molecular Biology and Microbiology in the Arts, Organisms as art, Microvenus, living art form- works with geneticists

Digital Biota - The Digital Biology Project









Genomic Art

Gessert, George

Plant breeding and hybridization, mostly Pacific Coast native Irises, grow wild in Western US

  • Iris Project, 46 potted irises, 1988, part of Post Nature show, S.F.
  • 1990 - hybrid irises, Univ of Oregon Mus. of Art
  • Seed library - packets of seeds highlighting convergent eolution, man-nature dualism
  • Scatter - begun 1985, scattering of iris seeds and document the dispersals - challenges the concept of wilderness as "pure nature" and a world apart
Grey, Michael Joaquin Scientific and artistic background



Harrison, Helen Harrison, Newton

Biological systems that would be preserved or created through art

Trummerflora on the Topography of Terrors, Gropius-Bau, Berlin Germany

The Lagoon Cycle - edible organisms that can survive in a gallery - bred rare crabs in captivity, proposed a biological refuge in Salton sea with canal to Grand Canyon - became a performance piece about becoming environmentally aware.


Harvey, Dan
( Ackroyd, Heather)

Imprinting images into living skins of grass and the exploration of the light sensitivity of grass and its ability to record complex photographic images.
Hoffmann, Peter Gerwin Mikroben bei Kandinsky- removed bacteria from Kandinsky paintings and cultured them to produce Mikroben bei Kandinsky
Huber, Dieter

Dieter Hubers computer-generated photos treat the cloning and creation of a human being in a way that is both subtle and radical. Taking the tension between naturalness and artificiality as far as it will go, the images of intimate and tabooed body parts enhanced to achieve the utopian state of a medical vision function as an irritant.




Images of the 21st Century - Exhibition

Seven Hills:Images and Signs of the 21st Century
May 14 to October 29, 2000 at Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin

web archivelink - to "Jungle section" and "Links"

Interaccess Electronic Media Arts Center

Electronic media artworks and events, Toronto, since 1982.







Kac, Eduardo

Transgenic art -the use of genetic engineering techniques to transfer synthetic genes to an organism or to transfer natural genetic material from one species into another, to create unique living beings. The nature of this new art is defined not only by the birth and growth of a new plant or animal but above all by the nature of the relationship between artist, public, and transgenic organism.

Transgenic Art Bibliography:

Kremers, David Paints genetically altered bacteria on agar-covered acrylic plates, where the bacteria interact with dyes to produce copmlex stains. Kremers then seals out moistrue to arrest growth, and the works become stable, but remain alive.
Kovachevich, Thomas Scientific background



Leonardo - Art and Genetics online bibliography




The group metaScape interprets biologically themed material through music. The choice of instruments, tone and pitch all effect the artistry of the gene or protein being explored in the song. They range from dark to trance like and ambient.






Paradise Now: Picturing the Genetic Revolution






Rockman, Alexis A painter who works on a very large scale depicting the precarious relationship between man and nature.



Siler, Todd   Scientific background
Software Agents: MIT
Sonfist, Alan   Time Landscape, 1969, recreated historical landscapes using flora from NYC’s past - reintroduces trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants from NYC’s past (prioir to European settlement) in to several sites in the city. Reconstructed fragments of ecoogoical past which undergo selective pressures in current time under forces of environment, weather etc. as well as other elements in the works.(see Gessert, G. A Brief History of DNA Involving Art, 1996.)
Steichen, Edward   Photographer, 1928 delphinium hybrids in fields- exhibited 1936 MOMA
Stein, Laura   Examines the line between cultural imposition and natural development, grafts plants, shapes plants during growth, sculpture.
Spot a.ka. Scott Draves  

A-life, art, genetic/evolved/networked a-life art




Thompson, Mark A House Divided, 1996- gallery installation of beehives - :models for interaction" - put his head inside a hive - practicing "intimate interspecific contact - allows bees to exit gallery, therefore pollination occurs - genetic aspect that is implicit in this work.
Tower, Jon 101 Thompson Street - project for Art Journal, 1996. Part of Gene Room series. Excerpts from genetic sequences mapped onto architectural plan. Exhibited as models or actual spaces.
Transgenic Art Bibliography   Transgenic Art Bibliography:



Ventrella, Jeffrey

A-life and art/evolution and art/computer graphics/games:




Virtual Fishtank   AI online interactive and on site exhibition: