Generating Ideas

  This page contains a series of links to a wide range of topics related to Genetic Art, Science and Media Arts. The students collected these links as part of their research into generating ideas for future research and creative work in the area of Genetics and Cutlure.

 Liquid crystal images of DNA are even more beautiful to me than its helical chemical structure. There are liquid crystal images of amino acids and a variety of other compounds as well. This link was my favorite. Encoded by the smallest genomes, these viruses still have elaborate patterns of repeating protein subunits. Some are enclosed by a helical structure, while others have an icosahedral conformation. I was amazed at the different variety of ladyslippers. Maybe someone has already found a way to breed blue roses. I searched for a site with blue roses, but it seems like no one has accomplished making one yet. Mushrooms are quite beautiful, especially when they are poisonous. A recurring theme in nature is to use bright colors as warning signs to predators that something is poisonous. This is evident in mushrooms. Toy bugs with artificial intelligence? As a child, I thought Spell-It was a cool toy. The toy industry shows promise as a good place for science and art to come together. This guy visualized every element in the periodic table. They are very beautiful digital images. Often scientists have to create an image for something they can't see, or don't know about. Electron microscopy should be the next media for artists because you can take a picture of anything, even a fruit fly, and it will look cool. (although I think it's pretty expensive and many labs don't even have access to electron microscopes) I couldn't see the direct connection of DNA to these images, but there was something familiar about each image. I couldn't put my finger on it. This was the first poem I ever read on DNA. It shows uncertainty and criticism for the future of genetics. Liquid crystal images of DNA are even more beautiful to me than its helical chemical structure. Outdoors I think the artist did a good job of taking DNA out of its ordinary context and present it in a creative way. This site is an electrical version of the game telephone. An image is sent to a person, in which the person can add or take out different aspects of the original image. Then the image is passed to another person. The series goes on to include a total of 20 different images. This project illustrates how one idea can be altered into various different representations depending on the person's choice of change. This link is quite interesting. A male's face can be morphed into a female's face at a slow changing rate, which is controlled by the participant. Different commands are asked, such as, find the healthiest or most attractive looking female. This link illustrates how everyone has a different perception for certain aspects of the human facial form. I like this page because it expands on the concept of art. It directly answers three questions. What is Evolutionary, Genetic, and Organic art? This site gives me a better understanding between the differences and similarities of evolutionary, genetic, and organic art. This site combines art and mathematical science. Mathematical formulas are generated by the computer and a related picture is drawn representing the formula. The formulas are random, but as they get more complicated, the pictures that are generated become more elaborate. Color scheme plays an important role with the presentation of the image. This site shows how changing colors of any particular design or image can affect the overall appearance of the design. Toward the end of the page, there is a section that pertains to breeding images where it combines a "mother" and "father" image to form to produce a "child." This site brings up a question that drew me to it; "was his glowing rabbit art or abuse of science?" The question pertains to Eduardo Kac's glowing rabbit which resulted from his work with scientists. This site touches more on the combination of artist and scientists. The human form with the emphasis of bones are presented as an art form by Dennis L. DeHart. He uses several different combinations of mediums to create his artwork such as wood, glass, halogen and fluorescent lights. His images look like as if they are images in a hospital or health clinic. This opening page of this site presents an interesting looking tomato. The tomato reminded me of the imprinted tomato that was shown during class; however in this case, the image on the tomato has actual looking teeth. This effect gives a sense of life to the tomato. The images that are comprised on the site are interesting and vivid. They represent a "hyperreal world; it's a world of substituting elements of the real for the real." The images are impressive, but they give off an eerie feeling. All of the art work are made specifically by two artists "who have created, transformed or painted their pictures on the computer only." The pictures are categorized into worlds in the Computer Art Gallery. The worlds contain pictures that are themed to portray different senses to the visitor. The effects that the pictures give are remarkable because there is a soothing sense to the particular world. This was really fun to play with. An interesting feature on the site was also the description of how it works. It described what genes worked in it and how and talked about the genotypes and phenotypes which is what I like to learn about in my science classes. Another site where you can make genetic art. Used a genetic algorithm to create art. After I made a piece of art, it was cool to click the ³tree² button to see what had been done. This program was really fun. It was called evolutionary art and genetic programming. What I liked about it was that it was visually attractive and, even better, interactive! The pieces of art concerning genetics on this page were really interesting. Some of my favorites were Frank Mooreıs ³Beacon,² which was beautiful, especially considering his history, and Sidney Harrisı ³Seven Humorous Insights.² This was my favorite of the two because of the ideas that it brought to my attention. The statement at the end of this was interesting. It said that you will be able to grow genious will be grown on trees and can be ordered. An interesting concept, but seems too unrealistic and pescimistic. This site was not very high-tech, however the idea of showing the evolution of these bugs was interesting. This is an interesting history of the cracking of the genetic code. The cool parts were the discussions of the ethics of manipulating genes. This cute kid first caught my attention. The idea of being able to design or mutate new living beings is a very cool concept. I know that some may see it as a problem, but I donıt see how it can hurt anything if that is what one truly desires. This portrait of a person does not seem to be a person at all. It raises the question of whether we are simply our genes, however, that is no replacement for our outward appearance. (talk about in class) -although this is more of a web-art site, it has some pieces pertaining to genetics and its use in art. -inspired from bacteria mentions in his monthly calendar a lecture reguarding genetics and art -i tried emailing him reguarding this subject but he never replyed to my question -basic overview of genomic art and links -topics pertaining to genomic art -easy to navigate through -human creativity and generation of power through computing -engineering programming - a bit dry...did not hold my interest really -included work of several interesting artists, including computer art, computer programming, video games, and organic art -attaches several links that are worthy of viewers time -easy to navigate; simple and efficient site -has really great images of art that was inspired by organic science -beautiful images -expanded computer artwork; detailed (i would like to talk about this one in class) -excellent description/definition of evolutionary art, genetic art, and organic art -contemporary artform -computer-generated art -mutations of originals -clear, concise, and easy to navigate -beautiful images by artist Darren Fisher, a "computer artist" who is inspired by science -really great DNA image called: "Fractal DNA Creatures Contemplate War on Mankind"

http://www, -Ken Musgrave created a program called "Dr. Mutatis" to program genetic images, mostly sexual reproduction that can be seen in a subliminal manner, through the use of computers -genetic programming. -genetic algorithms-usinf literature, pictures, sound, and movies -has great selection of different &disperse examples -option of interactive genetic art -ex: "The Tierra Project" -electronic art -artists as cultural detectives -communication -beauty inspired from nature -simple to navigate -a little boring though -photography & genetic memory as art -alogorithms -very interesting and brief -reading about the future & human cloning -mutations= fantastical human creatures -"Imaging the Future" seems to be a really great show -photography + realizqtion =intersection of science, technology, and photography (talk about in class) -biochemists/musicians working to generate music from proteins -Dr.Linda Long- musician; 5 years in te works of molecular music &music therapy -simple site..not really elaborate/informative -provokes my interest, however -genes and music -kind of boring but informative -lots of info and links -music from DNA/Protein math (share w/ class) -interesting b/c you can hear samples of protein sequences! -nice for the ears and gives a good idea of what molecular music is all about -eerie sounding but pretty amazing -mutate our perception of human body to an artificially controlled and electronically transformed object -very interesting -seen throughout human history -DNA, cells, mutations -dense -again by Prof. Kac--very informative -social impact of computer technology, biotechnologies, and genetic engineering -"transforming forever how society approaches the notion of life." -social, political, ethical issues (show to class) -SCARY SITE!!!! -create your own genetically healthy child online! -using DNA to locate "bad" genes -this can't be for real???!!! (I hope NOT)`giftwrap/kac.html -interesting to see what other universities are involved with this field -art, ethics, & genetic engineering -deals w/ artist Eduardo Kac -GFP bunny -"transgenic" -altered human figure in digital world -essay by Steve Gibbon; interesting -artifical-life, transgenic body -telebody is his show about a "digital" transfomer of bio-genetic flesh -transhumanities -individual growth -films and documentaries -evolutionary and organic art -contains a great many links I like how the artist decided to take a picture of a normal cell and have the genetic material come out to you. I like the picture in the corner representing the organization. its very eye appealing This reminds my of Dolly the sheep!!! These are pictures of James watson. i have read his book the double helix. Learning about phages made DNA really interesting for me. I like the radiation warning sign. it makes me wonder what consequences likes ahead when we play with DNA. Perhaps this picture is trying to tell us the idea of cross breeding a human and frog my favorite one I always learned about fruit flies with DNA The art is fascinating with the idea of DNA is all around us. This is a really cool representation of DNA being interacted with other molecules. - Exhibition that of several artists work created in response to recent development in human genomics. Interesting digital media installations. Some of them relates to genomics. People do anything these days. Sculpture made of urine collected from artists of the contry. I wouldn't mind to see it. No pictures, sorry! Have a look at this one. It maybe interesting to show it in class. It's eery This one complements the previous. The image is very interesting. No commentary needed. Commentary on both the visual culture and everyday practice of scientific investigation by highlighting similarities between artistic and scientific practice.

FLESH Jeanne Friscia o Jenny Rosenberg o Heather Sparks o Tina Wolfe (need to get back to them) Sparks's Tom's Twister was a four-foot high laminate sheet with enlarged and digitally imprinted scans of her hair and skin samples, by Heather Sparks. The laminate curled, spiral and natural, allowing the material to dictate its own form. The translucent scans, genetic references horizontally striated in vertical bands, referenced certain individual characteristics which cumulatively revealed a digitized self-portrait of the artist. Today I was thinking that the discussion of genetics and art had to include the work of the surrealists, but I didn't want to resource to the same ones than always (Dali, Magritte, De Chirico). Then I found her: Melissa Szalkowski This artist, Jeff Wyckoff, uses his experiences in the scientific field to create art. I don't fully understand some of his work. I'm most intrigued by the images of the faces on a liquid infected by bacteria. DNA makes kinks in front of your eyes. Actually the scientists had to change the ions in the solution (from magnesium and chloride, to zinc and bromide). Then with probe microscopy the before and after are seen. Both remind me of volcanoes I got to fly over in Hawaii. Maybe this is some kind of thermal image technique. then click on MOVIES on the left sidebar There are some amazing images of scanning probe microscopy, which I had never heard of before. There is also a cool one of a human chromosome! It's at prophase, in the X shape. I couldn't get the movie to download though so I don't know if it goes through mitosis or if there are different angles. Other ideas: A three-dimensional picture representing the new field of nanobiotechnology. The artist says the blue and white on the bottom is supposed to be a branching fungus. I think this piece is showing the methods of math (on the cube), molecules in different forms, and a real organism against a surreal landscape. The simplicity and the wide range of colors attracted me to the art. I like this genetics game better than the genochoice site. Here you "design a child" and I played with the option "roll the genetic dice". So after entering my characteristics and family history and those of a guy (I didn't make him perfect) here are the results. They asked me again if I wanted to change my mind and engineer the child. I would never want to make a designer child. Considering my chance for a genetic "disease", my parents might not have had me. (Watch the "Coda" on Deleted Scenes of the GATTACA DVD.) However my boy/girl was "lucky" and didn't get many of the diseases. EYE COLOR: Brown SHORTSIGHTEDNESS:20/50 STATURE:5'4'' to 5' 8'' LONGEVITY:80-90 SPEED:13-10 secs. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:HETEROSEXUAL DEXTRECITY:RIGHT HANDED ADDICTIVE SUSCEPTIBILITIES: sibling This is a pure art site with a ton of cool fractals on it. However links to the rest of the "chaoslab" are pretty interesting as well, with games, art, and science all combined. The bouncy ball page alone is entertaining, although it has nothing to do with this class. Where does logic go? Do we learn from ourselves, or more importantly, from mistakes in history? "Radiant Logic" suggests that our minds are like this giant flowchart that end up branching in some directions, reaching an endpoint, and being circular in some parts. Also the symmetry of this piece is pleasing to look at. Genetically and subconsciously, humans prefer symmetry in other people so I guess here it works for the art too. "Composite variability elipsoids of 20 normal subjects" comes from the UCLA Lab of Neural Imaging. It is a picture of one brain with 20 sets of data superimposed so that the colors come out in a spectrum. They range from highly varied areas (personality areas) to less varied areas (low level functions). The use of color is amazing but it all comes from inside real people.§ion=MyLycos&pitem=HEALTH Here is a news blurb from my homepage talking about the president of Celera's (company that sequenced the human genome) resignation. Celera wants to manufacture drugs based on their knowledge of the genetic code. This shows the corporate aspect of biotechnology. Another chemical drawing program I found. This one works for Windows and Mac and specializes in DNA. I'll see if it has the capability of creating, but I know it can load saved DNAs that the program supplies. A picture of one of these microarrays was in one of my biology textbooks. In reality they are microscopic but at the museum the display fills up a room. The microarray can compare thousands of genes at once by displaying which are expressed actively and which are not. Expressiveness is determined by mRNA (converts genes to proteins) that was isolated by nucleotide probes. Then the mRNA is different colors on the microarray and is scanned by a computer to compare all the genes. -This website is for public users to allow them to obtain the knowledge of how artists and scientists use technology in their work -It allows artists and scientists to come together to collaborate their knowledge to create a new work of art/science -There are research links, as well as information from the ArtSci2001 Symposium. -This museum is very interesting. I felt that this museum meshed art and science very well. -When I went to visit this museum, it was entertaining and there were many interactive technologies which can be easily seen as a work of art. -The interactivity of the museum was very different from normal museums and I enjoyed it thoroughly and felt it was relevant of the art/science idea, which was why I included this link. -One of the biggest technologies at this point in time is video games. Video games are excellent examples of a art/science collaboration and the result of it. -This website has up-to-date information on current video games as well as conference information for those that are interested in learning about video games. -There are latest news and featured games. I found this website very interesting and is not necessarily "genetic" but it does involve both art and science, which is making a big splash in the public eye these days. -Bridges are seen as only beautiful works of architecture. However, this website indicates that bridges involve delicate planning of how it must be built so that it is sturdy and in doing so, one uses science to determine this matter. -Bridges are an excellent example of beautiful works of art yet have such detailed science involved. -This website shows many examples of different bridges and the scientific rules involved in building a bridge. SKIP what's on the pagego straight to the "Future Survey" middle of page, right hand side. Take the poll, you'll be surprised at some of the answers!!! They asked questions about confidentiality and more. REALLY INTERESTING when they show other people's responses. ------ Although I wasn't able to enjoy the full effect of this site, I liked what they had done. If you visit their museum, you can sequence your own DNA, then you return to this site and enter your sequence ID that was issued and they do some cool things with YOUR genes (with cytochrome B, evolution etc.) -------- These people think semi-living things are the tool of the futureso they are kinda like AZIZ and the other guy, BUT they actually make the things. So thought the Aziz group was cool, but I like these guys more because they construct 3-D versions of the pictures they takethis one was an eye retractor ---------- this was really funny and a bit eerie at the same timethey make "worry dolls" out of genetically grown materialeither cells, or biodegradable polymersthey have a face and everything -------------- l look at the "Arbor Erecta" pieceI found it wittyalso a subtle point she does not make is the idea of us eating plants and their genome, incorporate those chemicals into our genome and one day giving it back to them when we die and are put into the ground. ---------- VERY VERY VERY nice!!! if you skipped everything, read this one please! I was blown away by the assertion the artist/author madeI never thought about this!!!! -- this is about Phrenology I do research in a field (Neurology) that was founded in part on this notion Ruth mentioned the quote about "Holmes' forehead" this is what she was talking about. I got something different than what the artist explained to me this piece is about preserving like the Jurassic park idea I also wonder if nature means for things like this (or when a man is found frozen after 100s of years) to happen? ------------- I was not so much impressed with the artwork itself, but more with what he had to say it reminded me again that IF we can control our genes would we start getting bored with the perfect height, weight, hair color and start adding other features (like the ones mentioned in this piece)? wouldn't we be making mutants would there be an end? -------------- /visible_human.html this was emailed to me by Ruth it's interesting I'm not sure if it's the same one I had read before (they were vague with the origin of it)a few years ago (about 5 or 6) a male prisoner sentenced to death wanted to make up for his criminal life and offered his body to science in a special way! I can talk about this in class if anybody is story,1286,44446,00.html

Genetic Supermarkets: The theme of these websites is the different ways we make it easy to design our perfect babies. Though our true genetic make-up has not been completely mapped, we have developed many methods of determining the heritability of certain diseases and illnesses. By recording these traits and eliminating the chances of inheriting them, we are able to design more flawless children. As easy as we can select for eye color and height, we will be able to find and correct the errors in each of our genome. Imagine taking one of your germ cells, cleaning all errors, and through in vitro fertilization, creating perfect children with your spouse.

Eugenics and prometheism: "an effort to breed better human beings ­ by encouraging the reproduction of people with "good" genes and discouraging those with "bad" genes." Another quote: "The danger of curing the effects of genetic disease through postnatal intervention, and the accumulation of bad genes, is equivalent to allowing toxins to build up in the environment and curing them with vitamin supplements. Resources must not be wasted on curing disease when it is more cost effective to merely eliminate the disease from the genetic capital of the eugenic nation. We can easily live with numerous minor genetic flaws, but it should never be policy to correct obviously adverse genetic diseases when they can be detected and eliminated from the gene pool, even though that is not our primary goal." Sites which talk about the history, practices, and ethics of genetic screening. Because much of the data came from the 19001s in America, there is an obvious bias and prejudice of other cultures: - Argues that there is a need for the human race to create populations of more and more intelligent people because civilization is only advanced through key intelligent humans. However, they believe that the gene pool is becoming "polluted" due to the fact that more unintelligent people have greater numbers of children than intelligent. - Wow. The need to breed intelligence at what ever the cost. Talks about how sex, reproduction (breeding), and family are three different things and should be kept separate. Strange religion, but interesting. - prometheism and a deserted island; the ability to breed intelligent communities in peace. 3. Hedonistic Imparitive ­ through genetic technology and nanotechnology, we will be able to alter our mental states just like manipulating diseased genes. Imagine ending depression and predispositions in people for "mental pain" receptors. "Over the next thousand years or so, the biological substrates of suffering will be eradicated completely. "Physical" and "mental" pain alike are destined to disappear into evolutionary history. The biochemistry of everyday discontents will be genetically phased out too. Instead, matter and energy will be sculpted into perpetually life-loving super-beings. Their states of mind are likely to be incomprehensibly diverse by comparison with today. Yet all will share at least one common feature: a sublime and all-pervasive happiness." "States of "dopamine-overdrive" can actually enhance exploratory and goal-directed activity. Hyper-dopaminergic states can also increase the range and diversity of actions an organism finds rewarding. So our descendants may live in a civilisation of well-motivated "high-achievers", animated by gradients of bliss. Their productivity may far eclipse our own." Not necessarily related to genome, but a great link for information and links to galleries and works of art that include painting and what not. A very cool site that lets you actually search for different things and search by string in the actual human genome project. I find this very cool because it actually puts the genome project at your fingertips for perusal. A cool site about transgenic art. Similar to Ed Kac, but with some more text that really allows you to learn more about this interesting topic. io.html Leonardo bibliography, for info about a ton of books related to the topics we are studying. I think thses will come in handy later in the class for our projects. More information about glow in the dark animals. Im not sure my stand on the issue, but Its very interesting nevertheless. More information about George Gessert, extending the work of Mendel in the current time by using his knowledge of art and his visual aesthetic, to create totally new creations, that are real. The tree of life. I really don't know how this relates, but its an interesting online tree of information.

My fav: A whole lab at MIT dedicated to artificial intelligence. I have a bad feeling they've got nerds burning the midnight oils making weird creatures that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Another repository for artificial intelligence information. Figuring out how to make things think like us is similar to figuring out how to actually make us (with cloning and what not), its a little erie. I didn1t even think that this was possible or legal. I didn1t think would even be considered for a long time. I found it interesting that this is actually becoming commonplace now or if it was just a joke site. The painting by Frank Moore called Oz, 2000 was interesting on several levels. It told his story concerning how he contracted aids and then took an active part in science. The picture has many elements to it and was just curious to look at. This site is a paper that Andre Brodyk wrote dealing with genomic art. I actually got an idea of some of the reasons people are interested in this form of art and what catches people1s attention. This is an interesting piece. In one way it is art and once you look at it long enough you see chromosomes and the DNA alphabet. I thought it was pretty how she combined art and science. 5+) This site includes several genomic and science art examples. In addition there is a lot of reading that for the most part was interesting. This site has a lot of things that might be useful in trying to decide what approach to take to the project. I just found this amusing in that who ever thought you would have to copyright your own DNA, the essence to your personality? This is an advertisement for an art exhibit concerning genetic art. I liked seeing the images that scrolled across dealing with what was going to be displayed. I was amazed to see the diversity of the art projects there. I still am surprised that this topic is as popular as it is. This site is not directly related to science and art. However, I decided to include it because I was trying to think of something I could do for the project that would include using Egyptian hieroglyphics to code for certain letters. It was just a thought. This page is a forum for people on the internet to discuss gene modification as art. it is a good source for gauging public opinion/response to the manipulation of genes as a medium for art. The group metaScape interprets biologically themed material through music. The choice of instruments, tone and pitch all effect the artistry of the gene or protein being explored in the song. They range from dark to trance like and ambient. Guidotti stays in his native media, photography, while exploring the impact of genetics on people suffering from genetic disorders. However, instead of capturing the genetic disorder on film, his images seem to downplay the genetic variation, to look more at the universal beauty of our human genome, sometimes skewed by, sometimes accentuated by the variation in our genes. Art has a unique way of showing differences and similarities between people. The UN sponsored exhibit, "Art Against Racism" [], shows how powerful a statement art can make against discrimination. The movie GATTACA explored a new world where the dominating form of discrimination was no longer race or sex, but genetic. This site is a primer on where we stand on discrimination based on genetics. -- This is a center that focused on the legal an ethical issue with gene cloning and genetic engineering. It features articles like 3Banning of cloning human embryo in Kentucky2, and 3Selecting and transferring spider gene to cows to produce tough fibers from milk2. These ideas echo with Alexis Rockman1s artwork 3The Farm2 (2000). -- MOST INTERESTING -- An online book 3Your Genes, Your Choices2. Using some case studies or examples, the author tries to explain genetic concepts in the language of the general public. It also raises some ethical questions and possible implications associated with medical genetic researches. I really like the case studies idea, which make the genetic concepts more applicable to everyday1s lives. -- Using works by artists introduced in our class as illustrations, including Alexis Rockman, Eduardo Kac, this is another online book that talks about the implications of genetic researches, but emphasizing on impacts on different areas of the society. ­ Questions about the implications of genetic engineering and germline/somatic cell gene therapy. These are from the point of view of the Church of Scotland, United Kingdom, a country that has banned germline gene therapy.,1284,36288,00.html ­ This is article about a Chicago Art Expo 2000, where an artist created a piece of work with two cryogenic sperm banks containing sex-selected sperm samples kept healthy by liquid nitrogen. Other artworks have similar topics as the Paradise Now exhibition. These artworks show how creative artists can be in terms of expressing their concerns about genetic researches. -- Essays and drawings exploring Human Genetics. The best part about this website is that the long accompanying texts explains or relates to the concepts expressed in the artworks in that page, which clarify the artists1 intentions a lot. -- Online articles about the application of science to culture and everyday lives. Of particular interest is an article about an old but still existing Mormon belief that inbreeding will produce more elites (Which is in many cases, turn out to bring two rare recessive copies of the genes together and case genetic disorder). -- Articles on the splitting and overlapping of the world of science and the world of culture. Also features some scientific articles that may link the two worlds together. -- Molecular music site featuring music created from the sequences, secondary and tertiary structures of plant proteins. -- Some very interesting research findings on molecular music, including the finding that converting the DNA sequences to music helped to make remembering and recognizing specific DNA patterns easier, and the proposal that the meaning of proteins and of music springs from a similar origin -- the repetition and elaboration of thematic sequences (Intersection of art and science). Most Interesting Site -There is no other perfect combination of art and science in the field of medicine than plastic surgery. This is the ability of a surgeon who is a scientific doctor of medicine being able to reshape parts of the body to make them more pleasing for aesthetic purposes. Very interesting site Interesting Sites -A website to bridge the future of art and science. Linked off of a site designed by an artist who is a practicing physician also -Goal is to show a diverse group of artwork focused on being open -Very interesting website with the very specific goal of providing cross disciplinary research in art and science combined -Presenters attempt to make distinctions between cultural and scientific boundaries -A link for artists to display artwork that is a cross with the sciences. Also shows which is a cross of medicine and art -In the 16001s and 17001s science focused greatly on the physics of life. This included optics, illusions, and scientific techniques. -This website is able to mix art from this period with scientific principles under investigation at the time -A collaboration between scientists and artists to create new images -Art focuses on geometric images used in science combined with traditional medias to create art with a scientific twist -Can a scientist gain insight into research through a subjuctive expression of the mind? Can an artist be inspired by new technology from the sciences? These are questions that this website addresses. -Provided by L1Oreal makeup and cosmetic company as a way to provide health and beauty to the world Most interesting ideas to me: This site displays how a fish could interact with its environment outside its fishbowl! I had never heard of such a thing or ever imagined something like this in my wildest dreams. I think it would be amazing to come home from a class and find my fishbowl in front of the television or sitting on my porch! The work under the year 2000 by Eva Sutton entitled Hybrids is a really entertaining link. It opens to a window where you can change parts of the animal to create a hybrid. I enjoyed playing around with this site. It was crazy to see what new and strange animals could be made by substituting part of one animal for another. This site contains amusing paper cups that have been created poking fun at the whole concept of having a complete map of our DNA sequence. The cartoons printed on the cups are very amusing yet make you think about whether this is a good idea or not. Will we be able to soon design our own baby, or clone one another? Will we someday have to copyright our own genes to protect ourselves from being cloned? These thought provoking questions were raised through this simple comic matter. This site has a really remarkable piece of artwork as décor, which could only have been possible by using scientific knowledge to create it. I think it is beautiful and so inventive! I have never seen anything like it before and would love to see it in person. It is even more impressive in person I would imagine. I find the piece Dodecahedron - Universe / Divinity to be very appealing and creative. It reminds me of when I used to play connect the dots as a kid, only more complex. It is interesting to see a picture of something we see every night, the sky and stars, to be superimposed with this mathematical shape onto it. This is the description of an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History. The link Art Installation takes you to a site that shows how this one artist has contributed to the exhibit by making a video connecting the two fields, art and genetics. I was astounded to see that this topic was a major exhibit at this museum. It is incredible to see how popular of a subject this has become in the last few years as we learn more about the human genome. This picture I added to this list because I honestly didn1t know exactly what to make of it. The fact that it has a highly secretive encoding reminds me the encoding of our DNA that is highly organized and complicated. The fact that the artist didn1t even see the original picture is curious as well. I thought it was unusual how I just stared at this picture for awhile, trying to figure it out with no success. I originally thought that this was an attractive picture to look at even before I knew what it was. After I learned that it was different paths of electrons, I was intrigued. Since I am interested in chemistry I thought it was fascinating to read the passage and be able to follow the paths of these electrons in the picture. The second picture looked like waves to begin with and the bright colors make it a beautiful picture. It was remarkable how these pictures were created using science, yet look like art. This page shows several more examples of genomic art. However, the picture series The Garden of Delights consisting of the piece Robert, Kelly and Lydia by Inigo Manglano-Ovalle shows an artistic view of DNA. I am fascinated by the whole concept of DNA, and am impressed to see that common scientific based pictures from lab experiments can be turned into art. I had never seen such an exhibit before, nor knew that one even existed. These computer altered pictures are just interesting to look at because it is an almost abstract way of looking at the pictures in my biology books. I recognized the pictures as skin and blood, yet there is something about the creative sense of the picture that makes it worth while to look at. I thought it was an interesting new way of viewing something that I am used to seeing in books. Artist whose major work is about how there's no gene for race. Human Race machine. Most interesting ideas to me: This website is unbelievable. I did not think that a male pregnancy was possible. However, when I looked more into the site, I began to believe that maybe this website is real because it was so scientific. There was coverage of a lot of information on this pregnant man. There were various pictures and articles on this story. However, even though the site does not say that this is a hoax. I've come to believe that it is because I went to Time and to find the various articles, but they did not appear. I guess this is a form of art work that is truly amazing for a man to come up with this idea with complete detail. Could there be a time in the future when males can become pregnant? This is hard to believe, but I remember someone telling me that it would be impossible because males don't have the necessary organs. Interesting ideas: This site was very interesting. This site may be true for the future to come. On this site, we are able to create a child by selecting various genes to create a unique child of our choice. With the new technology that we are coming up with these days, this site could actually be our reality. However, many questions arise. Is this way of making a child ethical? What is the perfect child? Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. We as different races are so similar in many ways. We share 99.9% of our genetic material and "there's no one gene for race." This link informs us about the Human Race Machine, which morphs a person into five different races: Asian, Caucasian, African, eastern Indian, and Latina. There's a picture of a woman who appears as five different races; however, the only thing that seems to change in each face is the hue. I thought that this link was amazing by the fact that the lady appears to be different races by just changing her hue. Our society tends to link race by the color of our skin. ~ glowing ball, outer space, "art," non-scientific, beautiful illumination of colors At first glance, this picture looks like an art representation of paint splats on a purple-colored circle. However, in actuality, the spots are fluorescent bacteria. The different colors are created due to their contact with each other. This picture draws the very question if science is art. I think this picture can be viewed as art because art has many forms. ~ interactive, art, the images move freely The effects are extremely impressive. With this art form, I have the ability to control the designs by adding more circles or lines and choosing the different colors. What interests me the most about this link is that everything occurs simultaneously until they individually end to give a final background design, which is different each time. In the very beginning, the scene is peaceful. As time passes and I interact with the features more, chaos occur. Once again, the scene is peaceful when the features are left alone. The overall design is different each time by small or large changes. At the first look of the sculpture, it just looks like a mouse. The figure on this site is the oncomouse. The oncomouse is an example of transgenic, which is the "practice of transplanting genes from one species to another." I never knew that scientists have been performing such research: transgenic. With this new technology, scientists can further investigate the different effects on "human" systems without actually using human subjects. This way of research further helps humans, but doesn't this create mutated animals or specifically mutated mice? This website endlessly links me to different pages. However, I thought that it was fun to look at though. Everything I pressed continuously sent me to a different site. In the end, i'm always directed to one site, which has a yellow stop light figure in which the whole effect starts again when I press one of the lights. This art project can be categorized into interactive art. I was the one who controlled my own destination through the site. The art on the pages is constantly moving and is very unique and vivid. The randomness and unusual effects drew me to select it. It randomness correlates to the genes that we inherit from our parents. This site informs us about a DNA Learning Lab at the American Museum of Natural History. At this lab, we are able to sequence our own DNA by using various machines and techniques that are used by researchers. I thought that this was a neat idea and resource in which people can learn more about themselves. The sequencing of the Human Genome Project has been deeply researched and interacted among scientist. This project simplifies the information to the level that the public can understand. ~ survival of the fittest, desiring perfection, self-curiosity This site rises many questions to why we have the initiative and motivation to decode the human genome. Decoding the human genome brings the ability to perfect our genes. We are capable of figuring out our flaws and fixing them in the near future, which goes back to Darwin's Theory, survival of the fittest. Helen Donis-Keller uses her own picture to produce the artwork entitled Helen Heads. The various flashing heads are all from the same picture; however, the different mediums used to express the visual pictures create images that vary. From this artwork, she explores the "possibilities of a genetically-inherited identity." This artwork is fascinating because it shows how something that is the same is so different by just changing one thing, in this case the medium, but the picture to create the images are identical. Most interesting ideas to me: This site was not the most artistic I have ever seen, BUT there were a few pieces that deserved credit for originalityI liked the "Rock Climbing" for example. But the "Mapped Word" I thought had a witty title as well as a subtle theme that we are all the same in the worldwe all have the same 4 bases in our genome. Interesting ideas: There are a few interesting images on this site. My favorite was the Zoosemiotics one because it plays on the reverse copying that occurs during replication of DNAthe reflection in the water in reversed like RNA. I wound up at this site by accident. I read a description about how she got involved in genomic art she has a table herself it's interesting. This is really cool, but I'm not sure I get how he did it! This is a picture of Watson's (Watson and Crick) DNA. He apparently uses PCR and other imaging techniques to add a new perspective to his "portraits". Really interesting pictureI liked the whole "we're all the same theme". I think genomic art is one of the best ways to portray that. This also reminded me of the movie GATTACA where the character stretches his legs b/c his genetics didn't make him tall enough. Just on case someone hasn't seen the movie I was talking about aboveit's really goodI recommend it especially if you're interested in this classit's all about how we're gonna use genetic technology in the future. I personally like the movie poster a lot!!!!!! very interestingjust in case you missed the subtle point GATTACA is only using the four bases of DNA ;) 5F11%5F0%5F1/103-1954612-3241406 This is a book on human cloning that I am starting to's the link to Amazon in case you're interestedfull title is "Ethical Issues in Human Cloning" by Michael C. Brannigan. I'll fill you guys in as I go through the book. I got fooled to think this was a genomic art website, but I was way wrong! turn out DNA here is the abbreviation for some groupBUT I thought the logo they chose was worth talking about it!! It is a fish of all animals the one we 'evolved' fromI thought it was an interesting notion. GOOD OLD GENETICS JOKES! I like humorespecially when it can make boring subjects interesting. Not quite "art" but I thought it's okay to put it at the endI hope the class can take a look at itinteresting idea Most interesting ideas to me: Medicine: Art or Science? An article displaying the roots of medicine and healing as an art; something one had a knack for. Contrasts to present day medicine as more structured, analytical, scientificSless creativity. Interesting to think as the broken human body as a white canvas, waiting for the inspiration of medicine to fill the void and heal its aches and diseases. Medication, herbs, vitamins, surgery ­ all are symbolic of individual paints, which add a different dimension to the portrait. Interesting ideas: Series of evolution/mutations/genetic engineering as Art. Contains a couple different interesting ideas: The use of computer algorithims to create/manipulate a form of computer art, under the principles of genetics. Concepts of transgenic art: genetically engineering organisms/animals for purposes of beauty/art ­ in my opinionS very dangerous. There are to many things that we don1t know we don1t know. DNA Electronics. A look into the physical properties of DNA to see if DNA would make a good conductor. This is nanoscale technology at its finest. The fact that scientists would even look at DNA in such a light (heavily mechanical and physical engineering) describes the extent at which human creativity extends. Manipulating atoms or DNA to create something from scratch: Nanotechnological Art. NanoArt. Different examples of art on the nanoscale: from an abacus using atoms as beads, to the world1s smallest guitar. Cool site. Eduaro Kac. Individual with distinct views of the future of transgenic art. Ideas of dogs illuminated with fluorescence which would glow hair, as opposed to grow hair. Also talks about some previous genetic engineering examples I had forgotten about: antibodies and proteins in animals for human consumption; genetically isolated plants/animals and their propagation as a species for the benefit of man. Specifically, he mentions the mythological creature Chimera, which was supposed to represent the bridge of lion, goat, and serpent ­ these days we are starting to make our own "chimeras" of creatures with various genetic traits uncommon to their species. Use of dietary/enhancement supplements to give people an edge. Idea #1: Dietary supplements are used to control diet, metabolism, athletic ability, appearance, mental capacity. This site happens to be an advertisement for 2extreme enhancement products, but I enjoy the idea of human beauty (our bodies as art) and the ways to manipulate/enhance them. Idea #2: I also liked the beginning statements and I quote, "Since we can't do anything about our genes, the two variables that are most likely to determine your athletic success in any sport are training and nutrition ." Ahhhh, soon to be a thought of the past. Soon, we will have unlocked the genetic predispositions to the ideal healthy and physically fit human traits, from muscle growth to height and so on. Genetic engineering will become a "pizza parlor" of life, with different toppings corresponding to different human traits. Frank Moore: Painting of man on bed over ocean with DNA lighthouse in the distance. My interpretation: water creatures (drugs) have provided short-term solution to his problem of AIDS-teasing him. The real truth behind a cure is looming in the background; a beacon of light representing DNA strand-answer is in our genes. Baby choice: A comical futuristic website of gene probes during pre-embryonic stages of life. Much like my thoughts above ­ making babies is more of an artistic touch than a human element of reproduction. What happens when we make the perfect baby, capable of withstanding any disease? Progression of human race into extinction: destroying all natural resources, overpopulating the world, destroying species, messing with genes which will create new "designer" epidemics. Future Hospital: neat site of new medical technologies of far future. It displays the hospital as if it were here in the present. Neat idea of art: manipulating human life for commercial benefit ­ farfetched ideas; a farce on genetics. Nancy Burson: A fascinating point on races: there is no gene for race. Wow. I had no idea. You would think that there is some underlying blueprint which identifies physical appearance and attributes. Maybe some kind of discovery will be found in the future underlining our miniscule differences. Most interesting ideas to me: This is my favorite link of the bunch because it shows how math is the basis for everything in nature. Fibonacci numbers occur everywhere in nature. Those numbers can be used to make the golden rectangle which can make the Fibonacci spiral which can be found in anything from sea shells to our DNA. Interesting ideas: I thought the political commentary against genetic engineering of crops at this link was interesting. Hunter draws a parallel between Art and Science. Scientists find order in nature, and Artist can communicate order in nature to the viewer. This is an interesting parallel. This artist shows that although traits are mostly hereditary, unexplainable mutations can occur. This illustrates the vast mysteries of genetics. This link was an interesting assortment of political viewpoints of Genetics being used in society. I also liked how a Genetic art work complemented each interview. This is a great collection of Genetic Art in the past few years. This artist makes paintings DNA Samples. He makes an interesting comment that questions "whether art is leading reality or reality is leading art." This work of art shows technology bringing another world alive. This work shows how the human race is 99.97% the same. The women have the same facial features, you only their color is different. Essentially we are all made of the same things. In response to scientific research that gave a human immune system to a lab rat, this artist shows a mouse standing up with an almost human expression. Most interesting ideas to me: I was able to manipulate these biochem tutorials into even better artwork (than the DNA tutorial explained at the very bottom) because there is almost a rainbow of colors provided. The strands and ribbons options add an interesting aspect (even though they're a little unrealistic). Only a couple times I had molecules disappear off the screen but the "mistakes" I made were easy to correct. The names of the 9 tutorials/canvases sound complicated but an explanation of their scientific function is provided for anyone who wants to know. Interesting ideas: This site shows how to make a gel electrophoresis chamber at home and provides a link to experiments to try. Running DNA down the gel gives a varying striped pattern, but I liked doing it better in high school because the agarose background was blue and the bands turned out dark blue. I always wondered if there are any other colors that could be used. With a few clicks is shown a way to prepare a food coloring/sucrose solution for the gel. On the left side is an X-ray diffraction photograph of DNA from fifty years ago. Back then no one knew what DNA looked like. Rosalind Franklin made this image, and the shady cross pattern suggested to Watson and Crick that DNA was shaped like a double helix. However, she died soon afterwards and did not get a Nobel Prize because they are not given posthumously. Her work paved the way for all genetic research. Make your own genetic art. A set of 16 blue fractals in a four-by-four grid is given to start. I could pick any shape and fine tune the stability and mutation from 0 to 100% and end up with a whole new set of shapes. The original shape stays the same so it is interesting to watch the other patterns "evolve" without worrying about the intricate details. "The GA (Genetic Art) program uses an evolution-like process to incrementally improve a drawing. Your good taste plays the role of natural selection." By accepting or rejecting the computer's changes to your drawing, you alter the DNA and genes of your molecule. This program works on any Mac and uses a computer based LOGO language to be the evolution factor. >From what it looks like, these multicolor creations can be genetically altered at will. Gregory Dudek created this game for kids but soon adults got hooked. I might too. (This would have been my most interesting one except that I have to work through a few bugs of the game later.) Mitsutaka Fujita's photograph of bamboo made into the shape of fullerene molecules by a Japanese artist. On the left is a tubule of some sort and on the right is one of my favorite molecules, the "soccer ball molecule" from chemistry class. Actually it is called C60, and when all 60 of its carbons are connected together, it forms the exact shape of a soccer ball. This "molecule man" reminded me a lot of the flower we got on the first day of class. I especially liked the shading and resolution. Each bump is supposed to be a different atom. Zeppenfeld and Eigler want you to learn that the atoms are smaller than a billionth of a meter each. I found this off a nanotechnology page and it is a simplified version of the very very small machines that could be going into our bodies someday. also. I found two ideas but there are so many links here it is practically a search engine itself.) James Acord probably seemed crazy when he went to the USSR to find out about their nuclear capabilitiesŬfor his art. He is the only person in the world who can privately own and handle radioactive materials, which he sculpts with. This page is just a starting point but I'm sure there is more on him somewhere. In a not quite as scientific demonstration, you stand in a control room 2000 feet away from a hill. By pressing your fingers on the control panel, microcontrollers respond and send the pattern to a series of lights up the hill. This pattern gets expressed as orange lights on a much larger scale and can be changed as quickly as you can move your hand. I would like to see that in the dark. Here is a way to explore DNA in all sorts of ways, including spinning, zooming, spacefilling, selecting certain colors (atoms), and even replicating. You can also simplify the structure by erasing or making it more abstract. This is similar to Rasmol, for anyone who has taken organic chemistry here. This tutorial is easier and it's possible to do a lot more on it. Most interesting ideas to me: -- This company produces music by transforming the genetic blueprint of different herbs, or bio-messages, into 3gensong2, and claims that it may help the human body. I am shocked that they can make a business out of this. The idea of making songs out of DNA sequence is already fascinating; the concept of using DNA sequence of herbs that are beneficial to human impress me even more. Interesting ideas: --The showcase of representative arts related to genetics in the past decades, with most art work from the recent 2-3 years. This is a good summary of the progress of arts in this area. -- Using STR (Short Tandern Repeats) and other genetic concepts, the author tries to determine if his surname Duerinck is related to similar surnames like Durinck, Duering, and Dierick. This is a very funny way to utilize the genetic concepts. --Using genetic information of proteins to create music; pitch is determined by amino acid identity and instrumentation is chosen according to protein folding pattern. What an interesting concept, but the music itself will sound better without the voice saying 3Cysteine, Glutamine, etc.2 -- Collection of abstract oil paintings by Hunter O1Reilly, both an artist and geneticist. Her artworks have a lot of subtle messages in them and I like the way the artist makes good use of colors. -- An example of a piece of transgenic art, a rabbit mutated in such a way so that it can produce green fluorescent proteins on its albino skin. In the future, we may be able to produce rabbit of different color of fluorescent proteins. -- Artworks with topics in genetics, from MaryAnn Miller. Most artworks are in crayons, and just by looking at the pictures, one can hardly find relevance to the titles. Her artworks are hard to grasp and comprehend. -- Include 3D-models of creatures, paintings and wood and steel craftwork representing concepts in DNA and proteins. The large scale artworks are very cool, something different from a flat painting. -- Some digital artworks depicting microorganisms, and also features some music related to those microorganisms. A very impressive concept. -- Colorful digital images of microorganisms and some future medical challenges. They all look pretty real, but yet imaginative. Most interesting ideas to me: I liked this link the best because it discusses the ethics behind transgenic animals and plants. I am most interested in creating a new kind of plant--particularly the rose. I want to learn how to get a transgenic rose for the blue pigment so that we can make blue roses. Also, I wanted to (if possible) create a rose bush that can bloom with a variety of colors instead of just one color. Interesting ideas: I thought this was interesting, because we may consider Professor Cohen or the robot Aaron to be the artist. I would consider the robot to be a greater work of art than the paintings that the robot produces. This is similar to the case with the gorilla that learned how to paint. We can expand the realm of art when we put the creation of art into the hands of non-humans. I think it would be interesting if someone tied paint brushes or stamp rollers to mice and let them run around a canvas. One could even layout a maze-like boundary so mice could only paint in certain areas of the canvas. I think it's wonderful for him to change from the usual models and cute babies and photograph people we usually don't consider pleasant to look at. His photographs are totally enjoyable to look at from the patient and audience's point of view. It shows a different view of the world, and that'swhat art should do. PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE YOU VISIT THE LINK!! This link has very gruesome images of people injured on the job, like images of crushed toes, hands burned by electricity, a person that got their nose bitten off by a dog, etc. If you don't want to see these things, then I wouldn't recommend looking at the page. Art isn't restricted to being beautiful. It can be moving by being horrible and monstrous. I think artists have a duty to capture reality. I like seeing what other artists have done with science and art. Their work inspires me to come up with my own pieces of work. This page shows one may go about generating glow-in-the-dark plants. I think it would be interesting if people were able to make the plants express other genes like for instance, a furry gene. So maybe someday in the future, we can have furry bushes. People often wrap a bush in metal wire that is sculpted into animals; instead of green animals, we can have green animals with tufts of fur. Two biological steps after DNA come proteins. Through x-ray crystallography technology, biochemists have been able to determine the structures of proteins. Computer modeling has allowed us to generate beautiful illustrations of each protein chain in colorful 3-D animation. As in art, there are motifs like helices, pleated sheets, barrels, and Greek keys that occur within proteins. This page also showcases other artists' work. You can enter search criteria in the fields to narrow the search to a specific subject of interest. Scientists found a new better, faster way to transfect mice with genes using viruses. This guy did some amazing art with computer technology. New media expands the boundaries of what artists can achieve Most interesting ideas to me: html This links to a digital book, where biologist Richard Lewontin explores the role of genetics in life and evolution. He offers a skeptical and realistic view of the importance of genetics. Interesting ideas: The Paradise Now site is dedicated to the artistic interpretation of the genetic revolution. I was interested with the Bradley Rubenstein1s commentary on the genetic revolution1s impact on art. He notes that the body is no longer the subject, only "an object to be monitored." site presents the human genome from the perspective of the scientist. It is structured to allow the geneticist or biologist to find genes or compare genes. I think that its treatment of the genome is indicative of the typical scientific perspective of genomics. There isn1t much information in the "art installation" section, but the website overall is a good primer on genetics. It also appears that the actual exhibit is highly interactive, where visitors can have their own DNA sequenced and compared to other people and even Neanderthals. Under the "original data images" section, as well as the "enlarged figures" on the first page, are a collection of images taken as data from an experiment tracing differential gene expression over time. In other words, the pictures are a way to visual how the genomic identity of a life form is changing with time. The page is written about Hunter O1Reilly and her works dealing with genetics, viruses and life in the lab. Amongst the works she displays here is a digital image of Randolfe H. Wicker It is a tribute to Wicker, "the world1s first human cloning advocate." The picture portrays three images of Wicker, representing clones of himself, each the same genetically, yet each an individual, a part of "his family.",1284,36288,00.html Wired offers a popular consumer technology magazine1s spin on the relationship between art and genetics. The article points out some of the sensitive issues that arise when artists begin to deal with the new perspectives of the genetics revolution. What happens to privacy and individuality? The art category of the magazine section includes a statement by Eduardo Kac that offers insight into the need to explore the recent advancements in biology in arts and culture. The articles also feature the genetic revolution in plants, which is often undermined by images of Dolly and the like. Featuring an article on "The Eighth Day," this site presents the biobot as art, though I am uncertain about its validity. The article does not concern itself with the definition of the biobot as transgenic art, but rather focuses on what the biobot does and what we can learn from it, which lends itself to more of a scientific endeavor than an artistic exploration. artbio.html Suzanne Anker1s work, Celluar Script, deifies the genetic code. It is the language of our "Cellular Script," a script for life and death played by every cell. I think her work conveys the scientists1 fervor with genes. Most interesting ideas to me: -Their purpose is to see and understand that genomics is within one's self -The goal of this website is to bring visual artists and scientists together to help each other and others to understand what's "going on." -The photographic timeline in the progression of genomic art is interesting. Interesting ideas: -"exploring the confluence and coevolution of organic and technological culture" -The comparison between living with and the evolving of technological material -His artwork is based on scientific theories and balances the delicate world of art and science -His interactive art meshes human, machine, nature and culture. -History is an important element of any sort of progression and this website discusses the history of interface of interactive art. -The conflicts of interactive art is discussed and is very interesting. -Interactive art is not an attack against the established art audience. -Human cloning, right or wrong? -Are we "designing" human beings? -Is this art or are we violating the sanctity of human life? -the concept of replication vs creation -similar to cloning, designin cells or better known as biological engineering balances the fine line between art and science -For example, biologically engineering our offspring is like drawing a picture of the ideal form of our future children. -right or wrong? -art vs science -art and science = ? -what kind of art involves science (the well-known works of art sold here) -Were the cameras a "design" by artists or sciences or technicians? -Can you call this a work of art or is it Big Brother? -Is technology surpassing our civil rights? -design or too much technology? -slashing the sanctity of life or a true miraculous technological breakthrough? -artwork for pure aesthetic pleasure or is the final goal to replace human companionship? -20th century's leading scientific artists (Irving Geis) -pioneer in molecular illustration, etc. -Interesting to think that drawings of cell structures could be a form of art. -Is anything and everything art in this world? -If museums are being built online, how aesthetically satisfying is it to see a work of art online? -Does interactivity art online help ease the disatisfcation of not being able to touch, feel and see in person the artwork? -What is better? interactivity or being able to see a piece of artwork in person? -How far will interactivity go with a piece of artwork? (considering Virtual Reality already exists) Most interesting ideas to me: This is a great site and is one of the largest resources of artificial life information on the internet. This mainly interests me, because the creation of artificial life using software or programming allows us to get a better understanding of how life actually works. Interesting ideas: I1m sure everyone has this on their list, but this site is obviously a great tool and encapsulates this class very well. It shows the true range of this genre and exhibits the possibilities this field has to offer via a gallery of completed works. A link to info about the human genome. This finally mapped, piece of data is probably one of the most important string of ones and zeros in our computers as it completely describes humans using sequences and patternsSSlightly humbling, yet incredibly interesting Here is an artist that represents a true mixture of science and art. He uses science topics in his art, but also seems to have a huge scientific and in depth knowledge about all the information and tools.,1294,36288,00.html Here is a great article Wired published on the up and coming topic of genetics and how art can use new information and scientific advances for its own purposes of expression and theme. Artists tend to express their uneasiness with this topic and feel the need to express this in their art by referring either metaphorically or literally to it. Most of the controversy revolves around the HGP (human genome project). Probably my favorite site out of the bunch that is a resource for storing software programs that exhbit the rules and studies on artificial life. This includes Cellullar Automata,Evolutionary Dynamics,Genetic Algorithms,Multi-Agent Simulation Systems,Neural Networks,Simulations. All of these are very interesting programs and most with the source code. More information about software programs and writing your own programs for creating and understanding more about life. This site has more information about creating artificial intelligence through the use of fuzzy logic, but also has a cool section on chaos and fractals, which I believe to be used in nature constantly. This is a great program for creating artificial objects that uses a distinct grammar and patterning system (similar to real life). I am currently in the process of programming my own version of this program, but I1ve only made it to trees. Check out for the gallery of images created with this, incredibly interesting creations are possible. MIT1s silicon biology site that is at the front of the pack of merging circuitry and boards with actual biological life. I find this very interesting and scary because it seems were getting closer and closer to making The Terminator. This website uses genetic algorithms and chaos theory to create strikingly intricate and creative images. What gets me about his is that these images arent completely random, they follow a distinct pattern, yet they1re seed as you might call it and algorithm create such unexpected results that the images end up being amazing. Most interesting ideas to me: I thought that this website was the most interesting one that I found because almost everything seemed to symbolize something about the situation with the bombing of Afghanistan. To the USA, the bombing is more like a game. We proudly wave our flags, and cheer the major players on, and behave normally with no cares, but the game that we play means that the people of Afghanistan are losing their homes and their lives. Interesting ideas:

http://www2.evansville.ewdu/drawinglab/ This site showed the importance of the growing technology and how we can use it to learn. Drawing is just one of the many things that someone can get a how-to manual on the net. The fact that the site suggests you can use it as a substitute for drawing from live people is unreal. The photographer of these photos seems a little weird to me. In reading her statement on these photos, I learned that she was fascinated by the juxtaposition between them. This seems much too morbid to me. The death of the mouse seems more like a failure in the science of the genetically engineering of the mice, rather than a piece of art. Although science is need to take these photographs, is feels more as though the artist has simply chosen a theme and taken several photographs. He could have taken his theme further and dealt with serious issues concerning his subjects. I thought this was really interesting because it seemed to me that the artist was showing how someone could be genetically engineered (or changed). Whether and internal body part to save a life or simply a body feature, the human body that nature gave us can now possibly be changed by science. This site was weird! What I thought was interesting was that if you clicked on something once, you were bombarded by all of these words that had so many implications on life and society and how they all relate to one another. But, once you discovered that if you clicked it again and rolled your mouse around that area, you could see this image of a woman licking another womanıs breast, which lead you to the idea of beauty. This site is kind of confusing, but I kind of liked it because of the level of interactivity. It took me a while to figure out how to maneuver though it and once I did, a while to figure out what it was saying. It was a good idea to incorporate the information with the dates, and how it was all sent out into the stars as all of our information is. Just reading the text on this project cause me to realize, for the first time, the many ways in which some people may be against the idea of this project. I consider it to be wonderful for those in science those whose lives depend on science. It was good to get a little peak at an opposing thought. These robotic structures interact with human life and it interested me that they can give you a sense that "they are observing you." Something that is not alive cannot "observe" someone, yet somehow this technology does it. Although this conversation between a robotic head and a human was completely absurd and made no sense, it was disturbing that one would want to replace human conversation with that of a lifeless robot. Hopefully, this technology will not advance too far. Yet to decide whether I would like to a do a project about my "designed child", I found this site about genetic engineering in general when I searched for designer baby articles. There are many links to articles and websites here. However this site is on the opposing slant of the issue. This critique introduces a serious and scary future world of techno-eugenics. Instead of a GATTACA-like selection of an embryo from two parents, the suggestion arises of actually inserting genetic traits into an embryo. For instance, a child could have red hair from a family of all brown haired (dominant gened) people. So basically human genes would be manufactured on an assembly line. I followed a link from "websites supporting techno-eugenics" to find this. However this site presents both sides of the debate and is meant to inform the public, according to the homepage. A twist of Monsanto? Being an introduction to eugenics, this site was useful in finding other links about the gene manipulation debate. The part about Catholics was interesting because even though I am Catholic, I don't believe in their (or the scientific proponents') extreme. A summary of a BBC movie about designer babies. This technology may exist in the next 20 years (or less), and there is an overview of the different methods that can be used. Artificial evolution sounds like a futuristic concept, but we have been altering the genomes of generations of organisms in labs. In humans, though? According to Ennenga, " failing to act upon the opportunities of germline engineering would condemn our species to a static role in an otherwise dynamic universe and greatly delimit our futures. Artificial Evolution will be our method, truly, our vehicle, into those futures. It will be our way of recognizing, of honoring, and turning to our wider universe." We might be talking about this in a few weeks in class. Music is art too. DJ Twinspin, who is classified under "intelligent techno", has a lot of songs with scientific names that have great beats. I listened to songs with catching descriptions and names this weekend and kept some. The scientific artists/songs on my latest minidisc are DJ Twinspin ("Bicarbonate") and Realism Zero ("Phenotype" and "In Vitro"). Search for anything at "A dynamic sequence of movements allows them to format chains, replicate and spin apart. DNA is a medium that tolerates no error, no correction." I thought that this was an important statement about DNA; possibly one to turn into a DNA sequence using the genetic code for our project. I also really like this piece of art; there is so much meaning in this one piece. This is an article describing the moral issues behind biotechnology. There is a lot of useful information presented on this page. I found it interesting about all the social impacts that it has on us. This is a very detailed website with all the aspects of the Human Genome Project. Although not art related, it provides some useful information to grasp the background on the human genome project. I thought that this was very interesting and new. Apparently all the 2000 Olympic merchandise was stained with the DNA of the Australian athletes in the tags of the merchandise. This way it marks the original pieces for years to come. This is a new way that the genetic interest has directly affected us. I found this to be an interesting site about how DNA is used in the courtroom. It described many of the aspects concerning forensic evidence. I am hoping to find some way to do a research paper using a topic like this one. Once again not related to the art side of the class, but an important article. If this is confirmed it means that we donıt have to use embryonic cells, once thought to be the only totipotent cells, to make clones! What a discovery! I was looking at this site to see if any ideas of how I was going to combine cloning into my DNA project. The topics are detailed but there is a lot of good information that can be used if anything, as background information. MOST INTERESTING THIS WEEK: -- Many multimedia files related to molecular music (Shockwave movies, Quicktime MIDI files, etc.) The music clips here sound funkier than the ones in some other molecular music sites, and sound more like traditional Asian music (probably because of instrument choice in the music piece). I love the way they have so many pictures and movies about molecular music -- A simple site that has descriptions about the principles behind the creation of molecular music (Using the 3D structure and amino acid sequence information of plant proteins to create music piece), and also some possible therapeutic functions and benefits of the music. -- A molecular music site featuring music made from different proteins. There are descriptions for each proteinıs function, the complete sequence of the proteins, and the patterns of the music formed from them. -- An article about the author experimenting with molecular music, and his feelings during the process. -- A very formal scientific research article about the relationships about Physics, quantum particles, and sound patterns. -- A Web site for Todd Barton, a composer who works with molecular music. Features clips, interviews, background on the music, etc. -- Another scientific article about using DNA or protein sequence to create music. Include a brief description of how molecular music is created from the DNA or amino acid sequence. -- Algorithmic arts website, showcasing a sequencer, and converter for DNA/protein information into MIDI music. Also contains some clips of DNA and protein molecular music. -- A bulletin board page that has a large number of responses, from professionals to amateur in the experimentation with molecular DNA music. -- A website of a molecular music composer, including some links to research and interview articles, and also a basic introduction to the creation of molecular music. Yet to decide whether I would like to a do a project about my "designed child", I found this site about genetic engineering in general when I searched for designer baby articles. There are many links to articles and websites here. However this site is on the opposing slant of the issue. This critique introduces a serious and scary future world of techno-eugenics. Instead of a GATTACA-like selection of an embryo from two parents, the suggestion arises of actually inserting genetic traits into an embryo. For instance, a child could have red hair from a family of all brown haired (dominant gened) people. So basically human genes would be manufactured on an assembly line. I followed a link from "websites supporting techno-eugenics" to find this. However this site presents both sides of the debate and is meant to inform the public, according to the homepage. A twist of Monsanto? Being an introduction to eugenics, this site was useful in finding other links about the gene manipulation debate. The part about Catholics was interesting because even though I am Catholic, I don't believe in their (or the scientific proponents') extreme. A summary of a BBC movie about designer babies. This technology may exist in the next 20 years (or less), and there is an overview of the different methods that can be used. Artificial evolution sounds like a futuristic concept, but we have been altering the genomes of generations of organisms in labs. In humans, though? According to Ennenga, " failing to act upon the opportunities of germline engineering would condemn our species to a static role in an otherwise dynamic universe and greatly delimit our futures. Artificial Evolution will be our method, truly, our vehicle, into those futures. It will be our way of recognizing, of honoring, and turning to our wider universe." We might be talking about this in a few weeks in class. Music is art too. DJ Twinspin, who is classified under "intelligent techno", has a lot of songs with scientific names that have great beats. I listened to songs with catching descriptions and names this weekend and kept some. The scientific artists/songs on my latest minidisc are DJ Twinspin ("Bicarbonate") and Realism Zero ("Phenotype" and "In Vitro"). Search for anything at Tissue engineering is a new development in the science field. In this site, it introduces a new form of art. A group of researchers is combining science and art. They are using tissue engineering as a new form of art by making dolls out of tissues. This site discusses the topic of tissue engineering and organ fabrication and its ongoing projects. The "laboratory is designing and building new, living tissues and organs for patients," which may be used for transplantation in the future. There is a vast amount of information about tissue engineering. Tissue engineering techniques and frequently asked questions are among the different topics that this site covers. Information on this topic is explained in more detail and with much clarity. In addition, a glossary is supplied that contains definitions for medical terms. This site offers first hand viewpoints from Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr as they answer questions from an interview. They are the artists who use "tissue culture, tissue engineering, biological technologies" to create art. "Metis show-cases professional artists using scientific images to reflect on their own world and the interrogations and discoveries of science. Metis merges the boundaries between the disciplines and highlights the mutual benefits of collaboration of the arts and sciences" and exhibits various artists including Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. this was an interesting site for me in that it detailed the methods used to create a musical interpretation of dna. most sites did not explain how the art was made. the site mentions that we have a much broader range of aural sensation than visual, but i think it overlooks the fleeting nature of sound. Images are much more permanent than sound. this site offered insight into the relationship between dna, mathematics and asthetics. it shows that some of the basic geometrical rules associated with beauty are apparent DNA this peice has certain elements i wanted to encorporate into my sequence project. it incorporates color representation of nucleotides. i don't like the way it portrays DNA in a linear fashion. i think for the purposes of Beadle and Delbrück a linear interpretation of the molecule is practical for ease of reading and writing. For a sculpture that represents DNA for the sake of representing DNA as a celebration of research, i think he may have oversimplified. these articles are something of a follow up on the discussion from last week's class for anyone interested. Nature evidently has an ongoing series of discussions regarding the relationship of art and science. i thought these were fun. i also found the critical issues addressed on the cups might be worth exploring further. Comprehensive site about benefits of Human cloning Christian Bioethics-the Christian theological view Shows the parallism of eugenics to modern times The Hedonistic Imperiative- "outlines how genetic engineering and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life." Molecular Bio of Paradise:Genetic engineering and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life and usher in a new era of higher consciousness and existence. Neo-Eugenics-"The pace of genetic engineering and breeding technologies will lead to a new human species, with winners and losers in the coming eugenic and genetics wars." National Human Genome Research Institute Ethical, Legal and Social implications of genetics research GeneLetter- "The Gene Letter is designed to raise the essential questions that we must ponder and to which we must respond. While it is written primarily for consumers and primary care providers, genetic researchers and professionals are invited to participate." "International Forum of Fenetic Engineering- fgene encourages a deeper dialogue about genetic engineering by giving special attention to: the worldviews out of which people approach science and its application to genetic engineering (biotechnology); the moral and spiritual implications of genetic engineering." Visions of Perfection:"Covers provocative issues regarding genetics, eugenics, bionics and plastic surgery. The theme is humanity's march towards perfection in the ethical and scientific dimensions." Basic information about l-systems and how to describe natural objects using patterns and a predefined grammar. This uses turtle geometry for creating 3d objects. guys fairly high tech l-systems generator. This is more complicated than ones i am working on, but this is a model to follow. A gallery of objects and animals created using a predefined grammar, and an l-system engine. Objects are created in the program, exported as pov files and then rendered using povray. Information about fractals...very important for finding out how to use math and patterns for making images that either make sense (nature or patterns) or look cool (psychedelic grateful dead fractals). More fractal projects. The websites that I have chosen below consist of many cloning as well as the term "designer baby" websites. I feel that from cloning stems the entire concept of designing oneıs offspring. This to me is not only a debatable issue ethically, but can be considered the epitome in the collaboration of art and science. The latest technology of tampering with oneıs own DNA as well as the concept of "designing" a human being. Not only is it controversial, but the line between art and science blurs to the point where one can ask what is science and what is art. This website has much of the latest information on cloning on how it changes our lives. "Designer babies" stem from the idea of cloning so I felt that including a webpage on the updated news about cloning would be important. I have a lot of interest in this issue both scientifically and ethically, which is why I included this as one of my websites. "Pure Science, Sheer Drama." That is what this website says at the top. As much as designer babies are pure science, they are pure design, pure art. Yet, sheer drama is the only way to describe the controversial argument that has come up ever science the beginning of this topic. This website describes the scientific process in how the designer babies are made as well as archives of past information and bulletins where you can discuss with other people about this fascinating yet controversial idea. Another website that discusses the possibilities of designer babies but with another side to it. A look from what the designer baby would feel after it is born. Quite an interesting argument when thinking about the ethics of this issue. This website was already shown in class, but this was what made me rethink the topic for my paper and I feel that this could be a possibility in the near future for all of us. I was inspired over the weekend to change my projectI still love the human body, but I felt a bit more creative with this new mediumso I went with it! I'll talk about it in classit uses dice. I have found the "probability" aspect of genetics to be a bit complicated at timesthis site was useful in brushing up on my statisticsit can be useful to you guys that haven't had genetics yet oh man! this site had nothing to do with my project, but it was just too funny!! You can click on a bull's picture/file and read about it to order his sperm! funny. more info on the statistics of geneticsmay be useful for some of youI'm interested in more formulas to display in my final paper these people I guess had a similar idea to mebut mine is still different! I will research this site for more tid-bits for the final and use them more as reference and pictures. more reference articles for me to use for the paper...I liked some of the quotesinteresting articleread it if you have timespecific to clones and their rights. againarticle with interesting quotesprobably not gonna help most of yousorry This page has exactly what I need: the background of scientific efforts made on creating blue roses and some direction for me to get my research started. However, it also contains bad news for me. As I feared, there's already a genetic company, Florigene, that has been working on this project for a while now. Maybe I should try to get an internship there for this summer.. This man shares my interest in creating hybrid roses. However he uses the slower, more traditional way of crossing roses by natural genetic recombination. I'm looking for a faster technique so I dont have to wait 30 years to produce the roses I want.

http://www.michaelsrose.comYou can see a few of many, many commercially available roses that have their own name and everything. Someone else thinks blue roses are cool! And they mention a geneticist! This guy has bred even more roses than the last guy. Purple seems like a natural color in roses; I don't see why blue isn't a natural rose pigment. This site has a list of roses with "bluish" pigments, of which are not remotely close to any colors we consider blue. I can see the huge potential market for a hybrid blue rose. As the link states, these are a few thoughts one person had about genetically engineering blue roses. Besides the environmental and industrial impact an engineered plant would have on society, those of us who are religious also have to consider the pre-ordained laws of nature. What are the consequences of manipulating genes for the sake of beauty? -- Doesnıt seem exactly a site that use DNA sequences to make music, but take advantage of the concept that there are underlying patterns or mathematical orders behind music. The music on this site is engineered to facilitate brain functions -- A site on fractal music, music made by applying a certain algorithm to process the previous music notes to generate new ones. Feature some pretty unusual music clips. -- They allow people to download a free software call MusiNum, which can generate music from numbers entered by the users, using the number-theory and certain mathematical algorithms. The name of the website is "The Sound of Mathematics", which directly implies what the site is about. Using numbers and patterns to create music, the composer made pieces such as "Pascalıs Triangle", "Permutations", and "The Ramanujan Number". -- A site that employs the concept of prime numbers into creating music. The site has a description and conversion table on how music notes are generated from the set of prime numbers -- Yet another site that uses DNA sequences to generate music. Specifically, the composer generated music from DNA sequences of viruses like measles, rubella, HIV, and also of the human blood and liver cells. -- A Scientific Research Article that has an in depth description about the genetic codes, the amino acid properties, and the generation of pitch, frequency, and duration of music notes from the combinations of these properties. MOST INTERESTING: -- A site for DNA music fanatics. The site is very colorful, and contains reviews and critics of music by different composers; each has chosen their own subject and style. Whatıs so special about these music is that they are not just music straightly translated from the DNA sequences of virus or plants. They are DNA music with a twist, and are used as tools by artists for emotional expressions. -- A pretty well designed site with galleries of fractal music, and the authorıs opinions about fractal music. The music on this site, just like many other fractal pieces, sound very "unique" to most people. -- An online session on the discovery channelıs web site about fractal music, the representative composers, and the creative process involved. I think this was the best site I looked at concerning the whole issue of the idea of designer babies. I was sold on the idea of doing my paper on this topic after looking at the many opinions people had concerning this issue. I am really interested in the ethics and the whole science background concerning this extraordinary idea. The piece entitled: "The Creation of Organs: Stem-Cell Research" shows the current debate concerning stem cell research. I thought that it was depicted in a very interesting way. I am very interested in the issue of stem cell research and just found this interesting. Maybe could use as an image in the final paper dealing with the designer baby concepts? This describes a documentary that will be shown about the possibility of having designer babies in the future. I wish I could see it but the site provides a lot of information about the issue and may have it available later.,3858,4216584,00.html This site answers a couple questions concerning the issues of choosing the sex of your child. This practice has already been used in England. This provides a good example for the idea of designer babies for the final paper. This site discusses what a biobank is, has a comprehensive glossary and has reports on many issues concerning our genes. This provides some insight to related issues of being able to us our genes in our favor.,7890,617961,00.html Just recently in England it looks like the future of designer babies is closer than I had thought. Apparently the human fertilization and embryology authority decided to allow this practice on a case by case basis. Provides great points and an example for a paper discussing designer babies. This is a great site with an abundance of information answering many questions relating to designer babies. Definitely a good source for the paper! Yet another article concerning the issue of designer babies. Since this is a recent article there is a lot of recent news to take into account for the paper. This article will be a good addition to my sources for my paper. It describes the relationship and effects of sex selection to the idea of designer babies. This website shows that designer babies are not too far from being created. Already, they have started designing embryos so that it can be disease free. This is thinking in terms of the baby, however, the question of ethics comes into view. As the article states, the boundaries for designing babies needs to be set soon. As of now, there are no boundaries regarding how far we, as humans, can tamper with life and what is actually science and what is art. This is a worldwide website that updates the public on the status of different projects that are taking place around the world. There are reports from the BBC, Times, the UK and etc. What is helping and what is too much? PS> hi people in my class.. can you guys help me out? i think this topic is sort of getting boring...well.. I could use this because I am interested in it somewhat, but I'm trying to think of some better ideas.. any ideas that you guys aren't using, do you mind sharing with me please? thanx! This is just basic info about DNA to help structure the project. It just describes what DNA is composed of and how the patterning works to create an actual form Rather than having a computer generated artificial life tree, you can have a real one. There are also tons of links to stuff that is related to this class and the project at hand A good definition of artifical life. This info is very helpful for creating simulated natural systems. Wow this site is great! Tons of info about evolution, artificial life, cellular automata, chaos theory. My project pertains to the L-Systems portions and this is a great resource. This response page to the idea of genetic cloning is really interesting and although it did not have a lot of pretty artwork, it was definitely the best attention-getter that I have found all quarter. It also would be a good article to provoke fights between opposing views on the topic. Some of the peopleıs ideas are really drastic and they make really good points. These people bash the ideas of those against human cloning in very clever ways. Most of this I had already heard, however it was still a good article with some quotable lines. Although, I did not agree with this article, I did feel that it was important to my paper topic. Knowing all of the opposing views is necessary to put up a good argument. This was funny because I could not tell if the website was real or just a joke. At first I thought it was real, but then felt the opposite. Yet, I do believe that in the near future, websites will look like this when people are looking to create their own baby. A very interesting example of what people can do to babies. There are good arguments for and against it. What made me want to read it, was that the fatherıs intentions were so good, as he was doing it only because he loved his soon so much. These websites are similar pleas that I thought people should take into consideration. For some people, human cloning might be the only way to go. They are not doing any harm to the world. In cerebral sonata, the first human encephalogram ever recorded, along with sample EEGs, are played by classical synthesized instruments. Artist: Gail Wight. Artist Statement: "The intersection of art and neurology, theories of memory, mental illness and cognition form the groundwork for my thoughts. How much of the body is brain? In what ways do we resemble worms? What thoughts am I unable to express because my language doesn't acknowledge them? To what extent do complex dynamics shape our ideas? Is a machine more or less reliable due to its lack of endorphins, emotions, and opiate addictions? What does compassion look like at the neuroanatomical level? These are the sorts of questions that infect my thoughts, expressed in installation, computer, text, and performance work." please see Nancy Kedersha pop up window. Nancy Kedersha is first and most a scientist who uses techniques that traditionally are seen as art (staining and applying color to subjects) to support her work. She perfected a technique of staining and photographing cells in order to reveal their inner structures and organization, which began her collection of "bio art" images. This is an article I found in the process of looking for scientific art. The questions that poses are the expected ones but still necessary for a complete discussion about genetics evolution. Unfortunately, the link to the exhibition site is not very helpful, although it has a very intriguing flash loading page. One can navigate through the vast body of genetic/scientific art of Dr. Hunter OıReilly for hours and enjoy every minute of it. I selected this one out of the group not for being the best, but for being the most extraordinary one in concept. Itıs about the beauty of viruses, some of them kill humans, which is almost the same than representing the beauty of death. She describes them as being visually stunning and yet intellectually horrifying. I don't necessarily agree with the second part of her statement. It was the painting style what it caught my attention of this piece, a combination of cubist elements with the wild palette of the Matisse. The scene is symbolic and at the same time representational. Looking at it, one can make the shape of a heart, or the graphics of the stem cell. Dr. O"Reillyıs has painted both sides of the issue of stem cell research. The woman on the far right contemplating the potential of stem cell research is also looking at and contemplating the the embryo on the far left that also has the potential to become a human being. A thorough exposition of historical data, theories and sociology of eugenics. Keith Cottingham. He makes "false portraits". Using digital technology and composition techniques, he manufactures his models, from sketches, sculpture, computer drawings and other elements. The result is Š Krista Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau. They do all sorts of scientific art and interactive installations, so anywhere in their site, you'll find amazing stuff. I chose the TransPlant because combines several things I'm interested in: 360 degree projection system, and an amazing interactive concept. Donut miss it! We all have came across the work of Aziz + Cucher several times already, but this images are hunting. I love architectural spaces, structured and naked, and I love photography as well. Both representations are very successful, even without the conceptual element. Dennis Kunkel. He makes tons of money making his microscopic images, and others. Itıs a fun site although I wouldnıt give him any Novel Price in any category. If you want to see the minimum expression of your favorite beer, Donıt miss this oneŠ!! Itıs also called Molecular Expressions from the electron microscope. This one is really interesting. Yes, I got a little bit carried away with this microscopic photography, but there are amazing images to explore and enjoy. What I like about this one is that it has a very simple interface and you can zoom in and out, change, focus, contrast the insects of your choice (as long as you keep your choices within the pop up menu). Good fun and some interesting close ups (10000x magnification). Look at what the Silicon Valley people do when they are bored. This site corresponds to UCLA's center for reconstructive biotechnology. This site gives further information on my research topic about the future on tissue engineering: "researchers are convinced that it will be possible in the not-too-distant future to restore facial features that have been devastated by birth defects, cancer, or trauma by regenerating skin, bone, and soft tissue." This site offers more information on tissue engineering. Its focus is on tissue engineering for maxillofacial rehabilitation. The opening page offers various links to different researchers and faculty members with brief descriptions on their studies. This site focuses more on stem cells; "further developments in stem cell culture techniques are likely to pave the way for the growth of tissues or organs for transplantation and new treatments for serious illnesses such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, Alzheimer's and certain types of cancer." It expands upon the topic of tissue engineering as a method to grow human organs in the future. I'm not sure if I want to incorporate that into my paper, but it's an idea. The site shows a picture of a sheet of skin, which gave me an eerie feeling-- "In the mid-1970s, scientists discovered a method of culturing epidermal cells to grow sheets of skin (or, to be exact, sheets of keratinocytes). In the late 1980s, this technique became commercially available." This site discusses the use of human cells to develop tissues that are three dimensional. Advanced Tissue Sciences' technology works with a variety of living human cell types. Very recent news from the genetics and molecular biology fronts. Parthenogenesis was accomplished in monkey eggs last weekend, and here is a basic definition. By stimulating the egg to develop, this is a possible technique of therapeutic cloning and is not reproductive at all. There are only one set of chromosomes in the embryo. This article addresses concerns about genetic testing and what the work for genetic counselors will be in the future. A history of trait discovery and genetic counseling, not as a directive science like eugenics, trying to engineer the most "well born" children. FAQ's about genetic testing. What intrigues me is when it can be done in life, for which diseases, and potential effects (denial of insurance, finding out "new" family history, seeing probability of disease in a future child, etc.). -great site discussing genetic revolution. Features articles relating why the genetic revolution is important in the arts -allows users to build pedigrees which are lines tracing family history. I plan to use this for my final and midterm project so I think it could be helpful -interesting to think about site. Discusses the tabula rasa which states humans are born equal, free, and good with a blank slate for their mind. This contradicts genetics shaping our minds as art - excellent website which pairs human and computer interactions to create a new species. Definitely the most interesting site out there. Use it to create something cool - argues that all life exists to plat genetic games. I loved the site and think it is provoking of thought. -where is the line drawn between reproducing and creating art. Some say with super models and such, but genetic tinkering can alter normal reproductive techniques as we know them to create totally new human aesthetic beauty -a group focused on artifical life creation and propogation. The site uses the technology of robots with human influence to create such a project -what if we thought of human life as a work of art and we were simply the mediums by which it took place? Is there ways we can assist this "invisible" artist creating us whether it be God or genetics. Some doctors think so with the use of HGH to inhibit short stature and many genetic aesthetic deformities. -a great research article specifically relating genetics and art. Very informative with a lot of references -connecting genes with art. Very cool because music is also incorporated into this and apparently there was a festival celebrating this recently last year. Mary Peterson talks about the history of rose breeding and where breeding should be headed for the new millennium. Discusses Florigeneıs breakthrough on blue carnations. This article talks about the health benefits of eating antioxidant flavonoids used in wines and juices. These are the same flavonoids that are related to delphinidin. Some people who put a patent on the sequence that codes for 3',5'-hydroxylase, the enzyme that is responsible for producing the blue pigment in roses. Talks from an International Rose Conference about unusual rose colors. The Florigene company website. (The company that made a blue carnation, and a blue rose.) The scientific article for the planned release of the transgenic blue rose created by Florigene. Website: This website was the exact website where the author described and challenged the audience in ways that I feel are necessary before going further in designing babies. This form of technology has some relations to art, yet this topic sparked a curiosity in me because of the ethics and the questions that arise from following through with this potential idea. Of course the first idea that comes to mind is that it will cure diseases and no parent wants their child to have diseases. However, there are much more complications than that small benefit. What about the people that cannot afford it? Will the rich and poor have a further gap even in the pursuit of excellence as a physically engineered human being? If a parent chose a gene for a child that the child wished not to have or wanted to have and the parent did not choose that gene, could a child sue? These are just the small detailed complications of going ahead with this "project." Those are beside the point that we are tampering with the sanctity of life. These are the questions that arose in my mind as well when I first heard about genetically engineering, or better known as "designing" offspring. How do we know when to stop and where will this all end up at? These are some of the ideas that I would like to research for my paper.