Stacy Hom :: Projects

  Department: Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

Design By Sequence

Title: "The Four Building Blocks of My Life"
Medium: Animated graphics implemented in Macromedia Flash.
Legend: I used for my four bases four different colored squares representing the four most meaningful things in my life: love (A), friendship (T), money (G), and school (C). The base pairs are love (A) and friendship (T), and money
(G) and school (C).

Summary: I used the beginning sequence of human DNA Polymerase to guide me in making a collage/mosaic out of four different squares. Each row is made of 23 squares to represent the 23 chromosomes in the human genome. I wanted to see if there was a pattern hidden in the sequence, but my end product didn't create a pattern as I expected it to.

Genetic Art Proposal


Title: "The Elusive Blue Rose"    
Sumary: I became fascinated with the idea of a blue rose one day as I was shoppingfor a present for my boyfriend. It was his 10th year anniversary of coming to the States so I wanted to give him a bouquet of red, white, and blue roses. I thought that I had seen a blue rose before, but when I went to the flower store I found that blue roses didn't exist. That night I painted halfof my white roses blue with acrylic paints, but the waxy surface of the rose petals were unreceptive to the paint, and the paint could not evenly coat the petals and only formed droplets. I didn't think of blue roses again until I started doing transgenic art-related web searches for our Genetics and Culture class homework. I was inspired by Eduardo Kac's GFP Bunny to transfer genes between different species of flowers - as he did in transferring genes between different species of animals: jellyfish greenfluorescent proteins into a rabbit. For my project I hope to create a transgenic blue rose using genetic engineering by taking a "blue gene" from a flower that naturally has a blue color, and inserting it into the rose's genome.